The Clinical Practice Guidelines Methodology Network call is open. Please email your application, along with your three-page CV, to the ERS Guidelines Team by 10 March, 2025.
Fifteen members will be selected to join the network and receive professional training on systematic reviews, as well as practical experience in the GRADE approach and in the development of clinical practice guidelines. The aim is to support ERS members to acquire skills for the development of high-quality, trustworthy and evidence-based guidelines.
After completion of the training, the new network members are appointed to an ERS ongoing clinical practice guideline, in which they are in charge of the full systematic review and GRADEing of two PICO questions under the guidance of an ERS in-house methodologist.
Current CPG Methodology Network Members
Pieter Goeminne, Belgium
Victor Næstholt Dahl, Denmark
Thibaud Soumagne, France
Merel Hellemons, The Netherlands
Daniël Korevaar, The Netherlands
Cristina Jácome, Portugal
Jana De Brandt, Belgium
Cristina Ardura Garcia, Spain
Matteo Bradicich, Italy
Megan Crichton, United Kingdom
Steven Walker, United Kingdom
Saskia Bos, Belgium
Ilona Tietzova, Czech Republic
Nils Hoyer, Sweden
Efthymia Papadopoulou, Greece
Nicole Ngai Yung Tsang, Hong Kong
Claudia Crimi, Italy
Luca Bertolaccini, Italy
Ana Machado, Portugal
Sara Souto-Miranda, Portugal
Dario Kohlbrenner, Switzerland
Panagiota Panagiotou, Greece
Joseph Newman, United Kingdom
Tom Ward, United Kingdom
Catia Paixao, Portugal
Eirini Vasarmidi, Greece
Bushra Ahmed, United Kingdom
Mattia Nigro, Italy
Sara Manti, Italy
Maged Hassan, Egypt
Joana Cruz, Portugal
Antenor Rodrigues, Canada
Laura Fabbri, United Kingdom
Andreas Matthaiou, Greece
Morita Antonia Saktiawati, Indonesia
Yet Hong Khor, Malaysia
Arwel Jones, United Kingdom
Wouter H. van Geffen, The Netherlands
Andre Nyberg, Sweden
Olga Milena García Morales, Colombia
Myrofora Goutaki, Greece
Diogenes Ferreira, Brazil
Markus Fally, Denmark
Rosanne Beijers, The Netherlands
Jibril Mohammed, Nigeria
Michele Hilton Boon, United Kingdom
Alexander Mathioudakis, United Kingdom
Any questions?
Should applicants need advice, they can contact the ERS Guidelines Team.