Ongoing task forces

ERS task forces work to produce official guidelines, statements and technical standards on specific topics in respiratory medicine, in order to guide other respiratory professionals in their clinical practice.
Task Force Number Task Force Name Task Force Chairs
TF-2024-22 ERS Clinical Practice Guideline for the Pharmacological Maintenance Treatment of COPD Daiana Stolz,
Mona Bafadhel,
Andreas Hoheisel
TF-2024-21 ERS Statement on physical activity in adults with respiratory disease – the 2026 update Heleen Demeyer,
Henrik Watz,
Mark Orme
TF-2024-17 ERS Statement on Childhood interstitial lung diseases (chILD): definition, characterization, and long term disease behaviour into adulthood Matthias Griese,
Effrosyne Manali,
Vaclav Koucky
TF-2024-13 Short Statement on the treatment with adaptive servo-ventilation in central sleep apnoea Esther Schwarz,
Sophia Schiza
TF-2024-09 Statement on imaging in the diagnosis and follow-up of complicated paediatric pneumonia Alexander Moeller,
Jovan Lovrenski
TF-2024-07 ERS Statement on Interprofessional Education in Pulmonary Rehabilitation Ana Oliveira,
Guido Vagheggini
TF-2024-06 Evidence-based minimum standard guideline for chronic pulmonary aspergillosis and guidance for excellent care Eva Van Braeckel,
David Denning
TF-2024-05 Clinical Practice Guideline on Airway Clearance Management for Children and Adolescents with Non-Cystic Fibrosis Chronic Suppurative Lung Diseases, and hospitalised Pneumonia and Bronchiolitis Pamela Laird,
Ahmad Kantar
TF-2024-01 Unpaid/Family caregiving for adults with chronic respiratory disease Alda Marques,
Daisy Janssen
TF-2023-17 Statement on management of solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura Najib M. Rahman,
Giuseppe Cardillo,
Mohammed El-Layeh,
Rachel Mercer
TF-2023-16 ERS Statement on limb and respiratory muscle dysfunction in COPD Daniel Langer,
Harry Rossiter,
Andre Nyberg,
Amy Attaway
TF-2023-14 ERS Statement on moderate to severe asthma remission Salman Siddiqui,
Celeste Porsbjerg,
Nizar Jarjour,
Stefania Principe
TF-2023-10 Diagnosis and management of Pulmonary Hypertension associated with Interstitial Lung Diseases Steven Nathan,
Vincent Cottin,
Laura Price,
Sandeep Sahay
TF-2023-09 ATS/ERS Clinical Practice Guideline on Physical Rehabilitation and Mobilization for Critically Ill Adult Patients Rik Gosselink,
Carol Hodgson,
Sabrina Eggmann,
Jain Snigdha
TF-2023-05 ERS Statement on redefining pulmonary arterial hypertension with cardiopulmonary comorbidities Harm Jan Bogaard,
George Giannakoulas
TF-2023-04 ERS Statement on ultrasound guided interventions performed by respiratory physicians and thoracic surgeons Christian B. Laursen,
Najib M.Rahman,
Maged Hassan
TF-2023-03 ERS Clinical Practice Guidelines on combined endobronchial and esophageal endosonography for the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer Jouke Annema,
Peter Vilmann,
Daniel Korevaar
TF-2023-02 ERS Statement on management of cardiac comorbidities in hospitalized patients with an exacerbation of COPD Frits Franssen,
Peter Alter
TF-2023-01 ERS Statement on Paediatric Neurodisability and Respiratory Morbidity Sarah Brown,
Dirk Schramm
TF-2022-19 ERS/ATS Clinical Practice Guideline for the diagnosis of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Amelia Shoemark,
Amjad Horani
TF-2022-16 Clinical Practice Guideline on the management of patients with Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and Lung Cancer Michael Kreuter,
Argyris Tzouvelekis
TF-2022-10 Clinical Practice Guidelines on management of positive findings from low-dose CT screening for lung cancer Torsten Gerriet Blum,
Marie-Pierre Revel
TF-2022-09 ERS Research Statement on diagnosis and management of post-COVID interstitial lung disease Claudia Ravaglia,
Maria Molina-Molina
TF-2022-08 ERS Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Adult Bronchiectasis James D. Chalmers,
Stefano Aliberti
TF-2022-07 ERS Technical Standards for Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty in Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension Philippe Brénot,
Hiromi Matsubara
TF-2022-03 ERS Clinical Practice Guidelines on telemedicine in home mechanical ventilation Marieke L Duiverman,
Claudia Crimi,
Carla Ribeiro
TF-2022-01 ERS Clinical Practice Guidelines on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for the treatment of adult obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) Dries Testelmans,
Winfried Randerath,
Esther Irene Schwarz
TF-2021-18 Update of the International Multidisciplinary Classification of the Interstitial Pneumonias Andrew Nicholson,
Chris Ryerson
TF-2021-14 ERS Statement on transition of paediatric patients with interstitial lung disease to the adult care Petr Pohunek,
Effrosyne Manali
TF-2021-10 Core outcome set for trials evaluating the management of pneumonia – an ERS Statement Timothy Felton,
Tobias Welte
TF-2021-09 Developing Global Lung Function Initiative (GLI) reference equations for cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) – an ERS Technical Standard Karl Sylvester,
Helge Hebestreit
TF-2021-05 ERS Statement on Advanced Telemedicine for Sleep Disordered Breathing Maria Bonsignore,
Johan Verbraecken
TF-2021-03 ERS Clinical Practice Guideline on Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation Martin Dres,
Paolo Navalesi
TF-2020-07 ERS/ESTS Clinical Practice Guideline Task Force on fitness for tumour-specific treatments of lung cancer Alessandro Brunelli,
Huber Rodolfo Maria,
Georgia Hardavella
TF-2020-06 ERS Statement on dyspnoea: a multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach Pierantonio Laveneziana,
Louis Laviolette
TF-2020-03 ERS/EULAR Clinical practice guideline on connective tissue diseases with interstitial lung (ILD) involvement Katerina Antoniou,
Bruno Crestani,
Anna-Maria Hoffmann-Vold,
Oliver Distler
TF-2018-15 Statement on treatment of lung cancer stage 1A Hans-Ulrich Kauczor,
Nir Peled
TF-2018-08 Statement on diagnosis and investigation of central sleep apnoea in children aged 1 month to 18 years Hui-Leng Tan

For latest published documents, visit the guidelines section
