The ERS Translational Science Initiative

The ERS Translational Science Initiative aims to integrate scientific findings from the bench side into the clinic – and vice versa – through a number of ERS-led activities. Here you can find out more about this initiative and related activities.

Why is this initiative important?

“At ERS, we really want to have the same language being spoken by clinicians and basic scientists, so that we can offer the best benefit to both sides. We want to be able to translate any research that we see at the bench side back to the clinic, and vice versa.” - Prof. Silke Meiners, ERS Conference and Research Seminars Director

Interactions between basic and clinical scientists are essential; it is important to learn and understand each other’s language. ERS is perfectly placed to enable this communication, given that its membership includes many basic, translational and clinical scientists working in lung research and practitioners taking care of patients with lung diseases.

Background to the ERS Translational Science Initiative

What do we mean by translational science?

Translational science can be defined as the process that integrates fundamental respiratory research with clinical science to achieve impact on the quality of life of patients by disease prevention and (personalised) medicine. It is also about then being able to translate results from clinical practice back to the bench side.

How does it work? 

A cross-assembly Translational Science Initiative Working Group is facilitating the initiative and integrating it into ERS activity. Each ERS assembly has the chance to contribute.

This initiative prioritises resources to better support translational science, as well as provide a much-needed space for those groups to meet and discuss their issues, address any gaps and get new ideas, ultimately to develop new activities and initiatives.

Can ERS members who are not assigned to the Translational Science Initiative Working Group get involved?

Anybody with an interest in translational science who would like to play a role in this initiative can do so. The Translational Science Initiative Working Group welcomes contributions from all members who have an interest in basic science, so that they can play a part in the group’s conversations and to see how clinical scientists can be more involved in ERS basic science and research activity.

ERS members should contact their assembly representative, reach out directly to the project lead Prof. Silke Meiners (ERS Conference and Research Seminars Director) or Prof. Irene Heijink (Head of ERS Assembly 3) or email the ERS Scientific Team to discuss ideas in more detail.

Early career members can contribute by contacting the Early Career Members Committee.

The ERS Translational Science Initiative - an overview

Silke Meiners, Irene Heijink, Niki Reynaert and Sara Cuevas Ocaña provide an overview of the ERS Translational Science Initiative

Project leaders

The core working group and project leaders for the ERS Translational Science Initiative.

Silke Meiners - profile image
Silke Meiners
Conference and Research Seminars Director

Irene Heijink - profile image
Irene Heijink
Assembly 3

Basic and translational sciences

Niki Reynaert - profile image
Niki Reynaert
Assembly 3

Basic and translational sciences

Sara Cuevas Ocaña - profile image
Sara Cuevas Ocaña
Early Career Members Committee Chair

The ERS Translational Science Initiative Working Group

ERS members can contribute ideas and suggestions for the Society's Translational Science Initiative by contacting their assembly representative or emailing

Davina C M Simoes - profile image
Davina C M Simoes
Assembly 1

Respiratory clinical care and physiology

Christian Karagiannidis - profile image
Christian Karagiannidis
Assembly 2

Respiratory intensive care

Winfried Randerath - profile image
Winfried Randerath
Assembly 4

Sleep disordered breathing

Apostolos Bossios - profile image
Apostolos Bossios
Assembly 5

Airway diseases, asthma, COPD and chronic cough

Ane Johannessen - profile image
Ane Johannessen
Assembly 6

Epidemiology and environment

Alexander Möller  - profile image
Alexander Möller
Assembly 7


Federica Meloni - profile image
Federica Meloni
Assembly 8

Thoracic surgery and transplantation

Daniel Langer - profile image
Daniel Langer
Assembly 9

Allied respiratory professionals

Torsten Gerriert Blum - profile image
Torsten Gerriert Blum
Assembly 11

Thoracic oncology

Christophe Guignabert - profile image
Christophe Guignabert
Assembly 13

Pulmonary vascular diseases

Walter De Wever - profile image
Walter De Wever
Assembly 14

Clinical techniques, imaging and endoscopy

Nicolas Roche - profile image
Nicolas Roche
Science Council Chair

Declaration of Interests

Annual Declaration of Interest 2024-2025

1 - Personal interests

Regular Paid Consultancy Work


Personal Benefits
Company Purpose of Payment Amount of funds received*
AstraZenecaPresentations, advisory boardsC
GSKPresentations, advisory boardsC
ChiesiPresentations, advisory boardsC
SanofiPresentations, advisory boardsC
Boehringer IngelheimEducationA
Personal Travel Grants or expenses for conferences etc.
Company Purpose and Nature of Benefit Amount of funds received*
SanofiFrench Respiratory Society CongressA
Shares in any Relevant Companies (excluding mutual funds)


2 - Non-Personal interests

Company Nature of Support Amount of funds received*
GSKResearch grantC
PfizerResearch grantC

3 - Other Interests that may be seen as potential conflicts


4 - Tobacco-Industry related Conflicts of Interests

No. I declare that I have not been full or part time employee of, paid consultant or advisor to /received a grant from the tobacco industry at any time after 1.1.2000, for any project or programme.

*Funds Code Legend
less than € 1'000 € 1001 - € 5'000 € 5'001 - € 20'000 more than € 20'000
Hilary Pinnock - profile image
Hilary Pinnock
Education Council Chair

Declaration of Interests

Annual Declaration of Interest 2024-2025

1 - Personal interests

Regular Paid Consultancy Work


Personal Benefits
Company Purpose of Payment Amount of funds received*
TEVA pharmaceuticalsHonorarium for a non-promotional talk in a sponsored symposium at the ERS2022B
Sandoz pharmaceuticalsHonorarium for a non-promotional talk in a sponsored symposium at the PCRS 2022B
Personal Travel Grants or expenses for conferences etc.


Shares in any Relevant Companies (excluding mutual funds)


2 - Non-Personal interests


3 - Other Interests that may be seen as potential conflicts

Company or organisation Nature/Purpose of Support
International Primary Care Respiratory GroupProfessional Society (multi-sponsorship from Industry)
Primary Care Respiratory SocietyProfessional Society (multi-sponsorship from Industry)

4 - Tobacco-Industry related Conflicts of Interests

No. I declare that I have not been full or part time employee of, paid consultant or advisor to /received a grant from the tobacco industry at any time after 1.1.2000, for any project or programme.

*Funds Code Legend
less than € 1'000 € 1001 - € 5'000 € 5'001 - € 20'000 more than € 20'000
Salman Siddiqui - profile image
Salman Siddiqui
CRC Director

Declaration of Interests

Annual Declaration of Interest 2024-2025

1 - Personal interests

Regular Paid Consultancy Work
Company Area Product Amount of funds received*
Astra Zenecaairways diseaseN/AC
GSKairways diseaseN/AC
Areteia therapeuticsAirways DiseaseN/AC
SanofiAirways DiseaseN/AA
ChiesiAirways DiseaseN/AB
Personal Benefits


Personal Travel Grants or expenses for conferences etc.


Shares in any Relevant Companies (excluding mutual funds)


2 - Non-Personal interests


3 - Other Interests that may be seen as potential conflicts


4 - Tobacco-Industry related Conflicts of Interests

No. I declare that I have not been full or part time employee of, paid consultant or advisor to /received a grant from the tobacco industry at any time after 1.1.2000, for any project or programme.

*Funds Code Legend
less than € 1'000 € 1001 - € 5'000 € 5'001 - € 20'000 more than € 20'000

Associated ERS activities and events