Environment and health

Objectives of the policy:

  • Lowering thresholds of acceptable levels of air pollution across Europe and stricter enforcement of existing EU legislation.
  • The introduction of limits on exposure to air pollution in occupational settings, such as workplaces, at the European level.
  • Highlighting the need for further research to fully understand the impact of exposure to a variety of pollutants on human health.


  • Advising ERS in all matters regarding the impact of environmental factors on respiratory health.
  • Providing information on preventing and managing environment-related respiratory disease to respiratory and occupational clinicians and researchers; environmental health researchers; epidemiologists; and toxicologists.
  • Helping to improve respiratory health in Europe and elsewhere by providing evidence-based recommendations and information to policymakers and the public.
  • Supporting the development and implementation of the World Health Organization Air Quality Guidelines.

See the latest updates from the ERS Environment and Health Committee

Meet Prof. Ulrike Gehring - ERS Environment and Health Committee Chair

Clean air for healthy lungs – an urgent call to action: ERS position on the launch of the WHO 2021 Air Quality Guidelines

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