The committees and councils that make up ERS
As a not-for-profit organisation, independence and integrity are at the heart of everything ERS does. This vision is achieved through strict governance principles, codes of conduct and transparency regulations.
The European Respiratory Society (ERS) is a non-profit organisation. Its governance and management are laid down in its statutes comprising:
Notable amendments to the ERS Constitution and By-Laws 2023-2024
ERS members who virtually attended the 2023 ERS General Assembly voted on notable amendments to the ERS Constitution and By-Laws, which were presented by the Secretary General, Prof. Judith Garcia-Aymerich. Notable amendments, which are now ratified in the constitution following approval by the ERS membership, include:
ERS is committed to being transparent in all its activities. All ERS officers and members of the Society’s committees, working parties and sub-committees complete an annual Declaration of Interest (DoI), which is published on our website or can be requested for consultation.
Visit the leadership page to view conflict of interest forms for the current executive officers.
Codes of conduct
ERS also operates within a number of established codes of conduct
Annual report
The ERS annual report provides an overview of our achievements and a financial report each year.
Additional information: Funding sources
Financial sponsors
A number of companies sponsor ERS or ERS activities throughout the year:
General Assembly – meeting minutes
ERS is working towards a more sustainable future. Several activities are underway to help us measure our impact as an organisation, considering the way we contribute to society through our work, and our emissions and environmental impact as a company. ERS strives to be a socially and environmentally conscious society.
Translation of ERS resources
ERS resources may be translated with permission from the Society. Our members and/or contacts can complete our online request form specifying the item(s) they which to translate and for what purpose. The form will then be reviewed and providing those details meet our criteria, translation can proceed. Following that, and for the purpose of quality control, we review the translation and give approval for use. The individual/organisation requesting translation is responsible for full cost of translation of their required items.
ERS policy on in memoriam/obituary articles
ERS in memoriam/obituary articles are reserved as a mark of respect and tribute for those who have passed away who have contributed significantly to the respiratory field alongside their contributions to and connection with the Society – such as officially appointed past ERS officers or leaders in the field who were also ERS members. Official tributes from ERS include these channels:
ERS publications such as the European Respiratory Journal do not publish in memoriam/obituary articles.
The ERS and ELF commitment in times of conflict
A dedicated committee for all issues relating to ethics and integrity
ERS is based across three offices, over three countries. Each office can be contacted via telephone or email.