
Advocacy publications

Access all documents prepared and published by ERS’s advocacy committees, including policy recommendations, position statements, factsheets and more.

Charting the path forward: Joint stakeholder statement on the implementation of the EHDS
YEAR: 2024 PRODUCED BY: ERS and European stakeholders TOPIC: Advocacy TYPE: ERS position paper
European Respiratory Society input to the European Chemicals Agency consultation on PFAS
YEAR: 2023 PRODUCED BY: ERS TOPIC: Environment and health TYPE: ERS position paper
Stakeholder coalition calls for legislative refinement of the EHDS
YEAR: 2023 PRODUCED BY: ERS TOPIC: Advocacy TYPE: Statement
ERS statement on the revision of EU pharmaceutical strategy
YEAR: 2023 PRODUCED BY: ERS TOPIC: Advocacy TYPE: Statement
Enabling effective secondary use of health data in Europe: specific recommendations for a potential opt-out mechanism for the EHDS
YEAR: 2023 PRODUCED BY: ERS and multiple European stakeholders TOPIC: Advocacy TYPE: Statement
Statement on Tobacco 21 from the European Respiratory Society Tobacco Control Committee
YEAR: 2023 PRODUCED BY: ERS TOPIC: Tobacco TYPE: Statement
ERS statement on the draft report – COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned and recommendations for the future
YEAR: 2023 PRODUCED BY: ERS TOPIC: EU policy and research TYPE: Statement
ERS submission to F-gases revision
YEAR: 2022 PRODUCED BY: ERS TOPIC: EU policy and research TYPE: EU consultation
ERS submission to the European Commission’s consultation on Global Health – new EU strategy
YEAR: 2022 PRODUCED BY: ERS TOPIC: EU policy and research TYPE: EU consultation
ERS submission to the European Commission’s proposal on the European Health Data Space
YEAR: 2022 PRODUCED BY: ERS TOPIC: EU policy and research TYPE: EU consultation
Clean air for healthy lungs – an urgent call to action: European Respiratory Society position on the launch of the WHO 2021 Air Quality Guidelines
YEAR: 2021 PRODUCED BY: Environment and Health Committee TOPIC: Environment and health TYPE: ERS position paper
ERS position statement on asthma and the environment
YEAR: 2021 PRODUCED BY: Environment and Health Committee TOPIC: Environment and health TYPE: ERS position paper
ERS submission to the European Commission’s consultation on the revision of the EU general pharmaceuticals legislation
YEAR: 2021 PRODUCED BY: ERS TOPIC: EU policy and research TYPE: EU consultation
ERS submission to the European Commission’s Green Paper on Ageing
YEAR: 2021 PRODUCED BY: ERS TOPIC: EU policy and research TYPE: EU consultation
Tobacco control and the ERS: new problems and old foes
YEAR: 2021 PRODUCED BY: Tobacco Control Committee TOPIC: Tobacco TYPE: Editorial
ERS submission to the European Commission’s proposal on the European Health Data Space
YEAR: 2021 PRODUCED BY: ERS TOPIC: EU policy and research TYPE: EU consultation

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