The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research strives to improve the respiratory and sleep health of Australians through world-class research, care and education. Our team of 200 medical researchers is dedicated to investigating the causes of disease, finding better treatments and translating our discoveries into new clinical practice. Our approach is holistic, from basic science into the mechanics mechanisms of disease through to the development of high-tech apps and inhalers for the front line. We are dedicated to improving well-being and our work creates a better life for people living with lung conditions and sleep disorders.
Asthma\Cell biology\COPD\Epidemiology\Lung cancer\Pharmacology\Sleep disorders\Tuberculosis – TB
Global fellowships (outgoing initial phase only)
The Woolcock pursues a unique approach to research at our world-class facilities. Our multidisciplinary medical clinic is home to some 75 research active clinicians from sleep and respiratory physicians to nutritionists and psychologists. The expertise of our researchers ranges from epidemiology, through cellular and molecular biology, airways physiology and clinical management to respiratory technology and devices. Our first-class cell and molecular biology laboratories provide our researchers with purpose-built research infrastructure and up-to-date equipment. Our new Woolcock Centre for Lung Cancer Research is a new purpose-built facility which is Australia’s first centre dedicated to understanding and treating lung cancer.
Funding for research at the Woolcock comes almost exclusively from external sources such as competitive government grants and industry grants, commercially sponsored research and donations.
The Woolcock’s Research Leaders have close connections with the non-academic sector particularly in the pharmaceutical industry. These links provide opportunities for a visiting researcher to develop partnerships and secure secondment opportunities.
The Woolcock has extensive experience of hosting international post-doctoral researchers over many years. All our Research Leaders have connections with researchers in Europe and Asia and in recent years we have hosted post-doctoral researchers from Italy, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Vietnam and Korea. Our extensive formal and informal career development programs focus particularly on early career researchers. We have weekly seminars of presentations from Woolcock researchers and invited guests and these encourage the free flow of ideas within the organisation and the cross fertilisation of ideas from speakers from outside. We can leverage our affiliations with various universities to access their mentoring schemes which give our researchers the opportunity to be mentored by a wide range of highly experienced researchers from many different fields. We also have access to their more general training courses such as Good Clinical Practice for conducting Clinical Trials, CV development and Workplace Health and Safety.