The University of Sheffield is ranked among the top 100 World Universities. Respiratory Medicine is based in the Department of Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease. We are among the strongest UK respiratory medicine research groupings, having recently hosted 4 MRC/Wellcome Senior Fellowships and 2 MRC Programme Grants.
We have a strong track record of mentoring and support for fellows, leading to strong progression in academic medicine. Sheffield hosts the largest pulmonary hypertension cohort in the UK, we are world leaders in new methods of imaging the human lung and we have exceptional strength in neutrophil biology and lung infection.
Cell biology/ Cystic fibrosis/ Immunology/ Infection/ Pulmonary hypertension
Global fellowships (return phase only)/European fellowships
Sheffield has access to state of the art facilities in bench science, MRI physics, animal models and microscopy. We have access to a large range of biological samples from patients with lung disease, particularly pulmonary hypertension, housed in our Biobank.
The Department of Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease contains a vibrant Respiratory Medicine group focussed on pulmonary hypertension (in collaboration with Cardiology colleagues) and on the molecular biology of innate immunity as it applies to lung disease, including cystic fibrosis, COPD, asthma, bronchiectasis and lung infection.
The department is funded by grants from the MRC, BLF and BHF amongst others. Current departmental funding over the last 5 years is £38m, with approximately £30m in the respiratory/infection/PH domains.
The Department of Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease has strong links with industry, both big Pharma and the smaller local biotechnology firms. Links are particularly strong to GSK, Pfizer and to biotechs, DeFENition, Destiny Pharma.
The Department has a strong programme in translational respiratory medicine, particularly in pulmonary hypertension and infection, and is well represented in a Biomedical Research Centre application currently under consideration
The University of Sheffield has considerable expertise in hosting scientists from around the world. The Department has hosted many international students and scientists, including several EU MSC and ITN students in recent years.
Career development opportunities are strong here, with a widely recognised Post-doctoral development programme in the Think Ahead programme – a comprehensive blend of training workshops, career mentoring, and carefully selected work-based opportunities. We aim to ensure that every researcher has a career trajectory and access to tailored development activities.
Outreach is a key part of departmental activities and we have been involved in the flagship Royal Society Summer Science exhibition on several occasions and host local events, including a highly successful innate immunity exhibit “Your microscopic army against disease”.
Patient groups are closely involved in research and research talks are always welcomed – this is particularly strong in pulmonary hypertension.
In the process of applying