The Mondor Institute for Biomedical Research (IMRB) (U955 INSERM /UPEC) is one of the main biomedical research Centers in the eastern part of the Paris region with national and international influences. The Center develops high-level translational research in a wide variety of fields in direct connection with healthcare services and a large number of patient cohorts. IMRB comprises almost 600 people belonging to 14 research teams, an administrative team and technological platforms. Within IMRB, GEIC2O Team is dedicated to study the interplay between genetic and environmental factors in the development of lung diseases throughout life (namely from children to adults).
COPD\Cystic fibrosis\Environmental medicine and lung diseases\Genetics\Occupational medicine and lung diseases
Global fellowships (return phase only)\ European fellowships
A major asset of IMRB is the full access to technological platforms including high-throughput genomics and sequencing, bioinformatics, imaging, flow cytometry and pre-clinical exploration, as well as a state-of-the-art animal facility. These facilities are equipped with the latest-generation equipment. In the recent years, a new platform specifically dedicated to study the effects of air pollution on (respiratory) health, PolluRisk platform, has been developed. This platform allows to expose mice and cells to representative simulated atmospheres generated thanks to a dedicated atmospheric simulation chamber (CESAM). It offers a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary researches on environmental contaminants.
Beside academic ressources received from Inserm and UPEC, major fundings have been obtained from EU (COST actions, H2020 REMEDIA), French National Research Agency (ANR), Programme d’investissement d’avenir (LabEx SERENADE http://www.labex-serenade.fr/labex-serenade, EquipEx NanoID – http://nano-id.fr/), French Cystic Fibrosis Association (Vaincre la Mucoviscidose), ANSES, Chancellerie des Universités, Lung french Society (SPLF), Île de France Region (DIM QI2 – https://www.dim-qi2.fr/, SESAME, …), …
IMRB is supported by the SATT-Erganeo. Its mission is to accelerate the transformation of French research into innovations; it aims to enhance the value and to accelerate the process of technology transfer from publicly funded research toward industry.
The IMRB teams are involved in several European projects (one ongoing H2020 in GEIC2O Team) and report 150 international collaborations with laboratories all over the world, mainly European and American. IMRB has a long-lasting experience in hosting international researchers, post-doctoral fellows and students. IMRB is always seeking for highly motivated post-docs with various scientific background and skills. As for other members of IMRB, they are offered the possibility to attend national and international Conferences (ERS, ATS, …). They can also complement their academic training by trainings in planning and coordinating research, communication and methodological skills, efficiently presenting their work at lab meetings and conferences, methodology to write successful research papers and grants, … If their integration at IMRB is successful, these candidates will have the possibility to compete for permanent position at Inserm or at the University.