France Paris

Institut Cochin

Inserm U1016-CNRS UMR8104 - Université de Paris

Brief overview

Created in 2002, Institut Cochin is a leading French biological Research Center, affiliated to INSERM, CNRS and Université de Paris, located in the campus of Cochin Hospital. Its 40 independent research groups focus on the following scientific axes : infection, immunity, metabolism, stem cell differentiation and cancer. The teams develop high-risk basic research programs as well as translational research in close collaboration with the Cochin Hospital.

Research areas

COPD/Cystic fibrosis/Immunology/Infection/Lung cancer

Host center eligibility

Global fellowships (return phase only)\European fellowships

Research infrastructure/facilities

Core facilities of Institut Cochin provide state-of-the-art scientific-technological infrastructure for the development of the research programs. The facilities available are : GENOM’IC (genome and sequencing), PRHTEeCH (homologous recombination and mouse models), ProteomIC, small animal imaging, BIOMECHAN’IC (cell biomechanics), CYBIO (cytometry and immunobiology), Electron microscopy, IMAG’IC (photonic imaging including imaging in BSL2 and BSL3 environments).

Research funding/resources

  • AstraZeneca collaborative grant on « Defective phagocytosis of COPD alveolar macrophages » 2015-2019, to Florence Niedergang
  • « Vaincre la Mucoviscidose » charity-supported programs to Pierre-Régis Burgel and Véronique Witko-Sarsat on « Role of neutrophils in airway inflammation associated with cystic fibrosis »
  • Ligue contre le Cancer (2019-22, “Improving CAR T-cells and reprogramming of the tumor microenvironment to eradicate solid tumors”) and INCa (2017-2020, “Role of tissue-resident memory T cells (TRM) in antitumor cytotoxic T lymphocyte response”) supported programs to Emmanuel Donnadieu to work on lung cancer.

Links to non-academic sector

Institut Cochin’s technology transfer office (TTO) works in close collaboration with the TTO structures (Inserm transfer, SAT IDF INNOV) of the institute’s institutions (INSERM, CNRS, Université de Paris) to provide researchers with the means to develop projects with a high potential for transfer to industry or to the clinic. Institut Cochin supports pre-maturation projects selected every year and organizes an annual meeting between researchers and industrial partners. In addition, several start-ups are hosted within the institute. Therefore Institut Cochin offers a unique positioning to turn out scientific discovery into diagnostic or therapeutic tools.

Experience hosting international researchers, career development & training programmes, outreach activities

Institut Cochin trains currently 120 PhD students (30 PhD defenses/year) and 70 post-doctoral researchers from 25 nationalities. In tight collaboration with doctoral schools, Institut Cochin carefully monitors and mentors PhD students. All early career researchers have the opportunity to present and discuss their work during weekly seminars and symposia organized by scientific departments, and are encouraged to apply for national and international awards and meeting presentations.

The Institute and the JeCCo association ensure that young researchers are well integrated, promote the development of translational skills and the establishment of personal career development plans (welcome meetings, professional dating, parties, JeCCO scientific meeting). Participation to outreach activities is encouraged (“science fair week”, “Apprentice researcher” training for high school students).

Institut Cochin is heavily involved in teaching and curriculum organization at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Studentships and fellowships are provided by competitive Université de Paris or other public or private awards.

HR Excellence in Research – EU award


