Spain Oviedo

Fundación para la Investigación e Innovación Biosanitaria en el Principado de Asturias (FINBA)

Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Principado de Asturias (ISPA)

Brief overview

The Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Principado de Asturias (ISPA) was created in 2016 with the main mission of performing cutting-edge work in research and innovation through interdisciplinary collaboration within the biomedical sciences and technology sectors. To achieve this aim, ISPA has a range of research groups that make an international-level impact in their subject area. It is currently comprised of nine research divisions, focusing on some of the most concerning health issues from different points of view. The Fundación para la Investigación e Innovación Biosanitaria en el Principado de Asturias (FINBA) is its managing organisation and provides the Institute with legal personality and public-private financing.

Research areas

  • Biomarkers
  • Intensive care
  • Lung cancer
  • Ventilation

Host centre eligibility

Global fellowships (return phase only)/European fellowships

Research infrastructure/facilities

ISPA is configured around the Central University Hospital of Asturias (HUCA), reference hospital of the Asturian Health Service (SESPA) that includes the National Institute of Silicosis, the national reference unit for respiratory diseases of occupational origin.

ISPA has services and platforms to support research, both its own and from other institutions that form part of the Institute (University of Oviedo, CSIC). Facilities and research infrastructures available for research in the respiratory field include a Proteomics Unit, Platform for Biostatistics and Epidemiology Unit, Clinical Trials Unit, Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Unit, Biobank, and Open Lab.

Research funding/resources

ISPA obtained about €8.6 million in 2021 from competitive and non-competitive research calls, 34.94% more than in 2020. The main funding entity for those calls is Health Institute Carlos III (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII), entity dependent on the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. Other funding entities in the respiratory field are CIBERES (CIBER of Respiratory Diseases) or SEPAR (Spanish Society of Respiratory Pathology).

ISPA also carries out an outstanding activity in clinical trials and observational studies. During 2021, ISPA participated in a total of 179 clinical trials and a total of 87 observational studies.

Links to non-academic sector

ISPA is a recently created institute, with the most modern installations, supported by several private and public entities, whose aim is to serve as a coordination nexus for all the biomedicine research in the region of Asturias. The characteristics of the host lab/institution offer many possibilities to develop work relationships in direct contact with researchers whose work is oriented to the clinical field, as well as with biomedical companies. The links with the non-academic sector are formalized through collaboration agreements with companies in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and technology sectors, as well as with technology centres and public-private collaboration facilitators.

Experience hosting international researchers, career development & training programmes, outreach activities

FINBA/ISPA promotes the attraction of talent at international level through various national/regional funding programmes: Miguel Servet (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), Ramón y Cajal (Ministry of Science and Innovation), Margarita Salas (Government of the Principality of Asturias), etc.

ISPA has a well-defined scientific hierarchy for tutoring and supervising activities within the research groups and scientific areas. Researchers in the training phase have continuous interaction with their direct supervisors and group leaders.

ISPA has a training plan for researchers at all career stages. This plan includes a new Master Programme in Clinical Research and a new PhD Programme on Clinical Research. The training plan also includes several courses on biostatistics, bioinformatics, flow cytometry, scientific social communication, among others. Additionally, ISPA organises seminars and conferences related to health and biomedical research and innovation. All activities included in the training programmes (courses, seminars, etc.) are openly accessible to all ISPA personnel.

HR Excellence in Research – EU award


