Following the inclusion of the European Respiratory Review (ERR) into Clarivate Analytics’ Science Citation Index Expanded last year, we are delighted to announce that the ERR has made its debut in the Respiratory System publications list with an Impact Factor of 4.929. This score means it is positioned ninth out of all publications included in this category.
The ERR is a fully open-access journal from the ERS publications portfolio that contains state-of-the-art review articles, editorials, updates and series. It also continuously publishes summaries of the most important recent research findings and studies on topics such as COPD, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, interstitial lung disease, lung cancer, tuberculosis and pulmonary infections.
Yochai Adir of the Pulmonary Division at the Lady Davis Carmel Medical Center, Israel, became Chief Editor of the ERR earlier this year. He said: “This is a remarkable achievement that has become a reality thanks to the amazing stewardship of my predecessors, Marc Humbert, Vincent Cottin and Sergio Harari.
“We are thrilled that the ERR has been recognised with such a strong debut Impact Factor, and would like to extend our congratulations to the editorial board, authors, reviewers and the publications office staff for this achievement.
“We also must thank our readers, as to continue building the success of the ERR, we need your support through the reading of articles and providing us with feedback via social media and by submitting proposals.”
The ERR is now over 20 years old, and during that time it has become a source of current and relevant information on all areas of respiratory medicine and science. This is illustrated by the diverse topics covered by the ERR’s top 2019 articles [so far] – explore the highlights:
- Endobronchial valves for severe emphysema
- Adipose tissue as a key player in obstructive sleep apnoea
- Severe T2-high asthma in the biologics era: European experts' opinion
- Bariatric surgery: a potential cure for asthma?
Want to submit a manuscript to the European Respiratory Review?
The ERR is always on the look-out for new and interesting perspectives from experts in the respiratory community, and
we encourage those who are interested in getting reviews, updates and series articles published to submit a manuscript to the ERR.
If you would like to submit a manuscript for publication in the ERR, please visit the ERR website for more information and full instructions on how to submit.