
CME Online: Harm reduction and the role of novel nicotine-delivery products in smoking cessation and tobacco control

CME Online: Harm reduction and the role of novel nicotine-delivery products in smoking cessation and tobacco control - article image

A new CME module is now available which focuses on the tobacco harm reduction. Led by Dr. Sofia Ravara, director of the module, accompanied by Prof. Charlotta Pisinger and Dr. Filippos Filippidis, the module includes a discussion on the heated debate around novel nicotine products that has divided the health community.

The module features panel discussions, webcast presentations and suggested readings, which will provide participants with an overview of what is meant by harm reduction in relation to tobacco control.

Participants with a myERS account will also be able to take a test on the topic at the end of the module, which is accredited with one CME credit. A CME certificate will be awarded upon successful completion of the CME test.

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