Taking place on 13 December, this ERS Vision Live panel discussion focuses on current challenges in lung transplantation.
The expert panellists will be discussing key areas, including:
This event is free to access but registration is required.
Prof. Verleden is pulmonologist and head of the department of respiratory diseases at the University Hospital in Leuven, Belgium.
He is the medical director of the Leuven Lung Transplant program, performing 60–70 lung transplantations per year.
He is an expert in lung transplantation with specific focus on chronic rejection, phenotypes and treatment.
Prof. Meloni has been Associate professor of respiratory diseases since 2001.
She is chief of the Transplant Centre Unit at IRCCS Policlinic San Matteo Foundation.
She is involved in the clinical follow-up of lung candidates and lung transplant recipients and her research is mainly targeted towards mechanisms of chronic lung rejection.
Dr. Hellemons is a pulmonologist and works at the transplant team within the Erasmus MC Transplant Institute of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam.
She is involved in the selection of lung transplant candidates and follow-up of lung transplant recipients.
Her research is mainly targeted towards improving patient care and patient reported outcomes trough incorporation of new technology into patient care.
Prof. van Raemdonck is a member of staff in the department of thoracic surgery at the University Hospital Leuven in Belgium.
He is the surgical director of the Leuven Lung Transplant Group with a total of more than 1300 lung transplants since 1991.
He holds the position of Director of the Leuven Transplant Center and chair of the Board of Supervision of Eurotransplant International Foundation.
Jens serves as a senior physician in the Dept. for Respiratory Medicine at the Hannover Medical School (MHH) since 2004.
He is the medical director of the MHH's lung transplant program and works as an advisor for Respiratory medicine and transplantation for specialist societies, medical associations, federal and state governments.
He has conducted and led multiple multicentre randomized trials and has served as a coordinator of several national and international guidelines.