Featured session – Using data to make a case for change: the launch of the Lung Facts resource

Join us on Sunday, 4 September at 11:15 CEST for this hot topic session which will see the launch of the International Respiratory Coalition (IRC) led ‘Lung Facts’ resource.

What is Lung Facts?

Lung Facts is a web-based tool, which presents key epidemiological and economic data for major respiratory conditions across World Health Organization (WHO) Europe, and by each WHO Europe country. It marks a huge step forward from the European Lung White book, which was last published more than 10 years ago.

As an online resource, Lung Facts will be open access and easily referenced, providing graphs and charts to present the data. It will also be updated regularly.

What will the session cover?

This session will present the findings from the first phase of data collection, including asthma, COPD, mesothelioma, lower respiratory tract infection, lung cancer, interstitial lung disease and tuberculosis. Presentations will highlight what we know from the data, where the gaps are, and how the data can have a national impact.  A new economic value will also be presented.

View the full session detail in the congress programme.

International Respiratory Coalition: providing resources to help build a case for change

Lung Facts is a key advocacy tool to be used towards the aims and vision of the IRC. Launched in late 2021 by founding multisectoral partners, including the European Respiratory Society, the IRC aims to promote lung health and improve respiratory care. The Coalition’s vision is for every country to have the tools to implement a national respiratory strategy based on best practice. To make this vision a reality, the IRC is supporting the formulation of national-level groups as well as providing resources for those groups to use to appeal to politicians, key decision makers and other stakeholders to support the need for improvements and action in respiratory healthcare.

The new Lung Facts resource will:

  • Assist in raising the profile of lung health following the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on respiratory health across the globe by providing key epidemiological and economic data in an easy-to-use format.
  • Be a valuable tool for national-level groups to use to build a case for change to influence key decision makers in their respective countries.
  • Provide the base data which the IRC will use to measure progress in the coming years.

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