ERS methodology:
To ensure the highest quality of its official scientific documents, ERS has adopted a strict methodological process. For task forces aiming to develop clinical practice guidelines, please check the recently published ERS Handbook for Clinical Practice Guidelines which is the Society’s official methodological guidance. It specifies the roles and duties of all task force members, as well as all the methodological steps that need to be followed during the development of the guideline. ERS commends this handbook when drawing up proposals for new ERS guidelines, and throughout the entire guideline development process.
The ERS methodology for task forces aiming to develop statements and technical standards is detailed in the task force guidance.
In case of any questions relating to the method, task force chairs may contact the in-house methodologists, who can help them apply the appropriate methodology throughout the development of their document. They can also be contacted for any questions relating to methodology during the completion of an application.
Contact the ERS methodologists.
Related documents on ERS methodology:
Patient involvement:
ERS recognises that the involvement of patients in task forces is valuable, and we work very closely with the European Lung Foundation (ELF) to ensure that patient perspectives are represented in ERS guidelines.
Related documents on patient involvement: