Switzerland Geneva

University of Geneva

Department of Medicine and Molecular Medicine

Brief Overview

The department of Medicine and Molecular Microbiology of the University of Geneva Medical School includes groups working in virology, parasitology and bacteriology. Among them, several groups focus more precisely on the interaction between respiratory pathogens and the host. These groups are:

group 903 (https://www.unige.ch/medecine/demed/en/groupes-de-recherche/christian-van-delden/);

group 275 (https://www.unige.ch/medecine/mimo/en/groupes/275garcin/);

group 947 (https://www.unige.ch/medecine/mimo/en/groupes/947schmolke/) and

group 953 (https://www.unige.ch/medecine/mimo/en/groupes/953tapparel/).

Detailed description of the research topics is available on the given internet links.

Research Areas

Asthma\COPD\Cystic fibrosis\Infection\Microbiology

Host center eligibility

Global fellowships (return phase only)\ European fellowships

Research infrastructure/facilities

The research groups have access to all the infrastructure and facilities available at the faculty of medicine which provides all the necessary tools for research projects in life sciences including technological platforms, analytical instruments and laboratory products as well as high-quality specialist services supervised by scientists and managed by specialized technicians, this with most reliable techniques and cutting-edge, state-of-the-art facilities

Research funding/Resources

Several grants are related to these research areas

Links to non-academic sector

Since over 10 years the groups from the department have an ongoing collaboration with the private sector.

Experience hosting international researchers, career development & training programmes, outreach activities

Collaborations with European groups working on respiratory viruses and with engineered tissues are ongoing since many years. Many international post docs have been attracted to the department/group in the past years.

A variety of trainings on specific technics and recent technologies are available in the medical school [http://www.unige.ch/medecine/en/recherche/corefacilities/].

Seminars held by international speakers are also organized monthly.

HR Excellence in Research – EU award
