Within the Department of Clinical Microbiology there are a few groups whose main research interests are: Prof Greene: non-coding RNA expression and function in chronic inflammatory lung disease especially cystic fibrosis and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency; X-chromosome and sex hormone effects on lung disease. Prof Costello: novel inhaler adherence monitoring technology; advanced statistical modelling of interactions between environment, biomarkers, adherence and clinical outcomes in asthma and COPD. Prof Curley: mesenchynal stromal cell therapy for acute respiratory distress syndrome and sepsis; mechanism of action of MSCs during inflammation and repair. Dr Hurley – functional studies focussed on human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived models of cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.
Acute Lung Injury (ALI)\COPD\Cystic fibrosis\Interstitial lung disease\Molecular biology
Global fellowships (return phase only)\ European fellowships
Fully equipped laboratories updated in 2018 adjacent to the hospital with state-of-the-art cell and molecular biology equipment including: Lightcyler, Nanodrop-800; Mesoscale Discovery scanner; Luminometer, Fluorimeter; Confocal microscope; Three colour flow cytometer; thermal cyclers; tissue culture suites; PCR Hoods; gel documentation systems; microbiology suite; all standard general laboratory equipment for molecular biology. Also available (amongst others) in the RCSI campus: Open Array profiling, Ussing chamber, electron microscopy, nanosight, equipment for gel permeation chromatography, spray-drying, laser diffraction, high content analysis In Cell Analyzer 1000, clinical trials unit, a biostatistics unit and IP/technology transfer services.
The groups are funded by the following agencies: H2020, Health Research Board, Science Foundation Ireland, Irish Research Council, Enterprise Ireland, Medical Research Council, national Children; Research Centre, Alpha-1 Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics, GSK, Baxter, Aerogen, Pfizer, Wellcome Trust, Vertex.
Extensive in-house clinical expertise in respiratory disease; industrial partnerships with pharmaceutical companies and inhaler device companies; many international scientific collaborators specialising in advanced technologies related to the research themes; direct links with patient groups.
The Lung Biology Group currently and in the recent past has had many international members. Canadian, British Italian, Spanish, Dutch and Slovenian postgraduate and postdoctoral scientists, pharmacists, medical doctors and clinician scientists have all worked in the unit as well as many Irish. In addition to their own individual research projects all members of the group have the opportunity to undertake research integrity training and participate in RCSI’s innovation training series which provides specific support in the areas of research commercialisation, industry engagement, technology transfer and intellectual property management. RCSI is dedicated to supporting its staff lifelong learning via regular staff development workshops. For all new staff members there is an orientation and induction course as well as the possibility to attend various research skills modules and staff wellbeing days. RCSI has an active local, national and international outreach team who provide advice on hosting dissemination and public engagement.