We are a Russell-Group highly ranked global university and the most diverse of its kind anywhere. Barts and the London Medical School is one of the oldest in the UK, renowned for research and teaching to date. Our mission is “To create a truly inclusive environment, building on our cherished cultural diversity, where students and staff flourish, reach their full potential and are proud to be part of the University.
Dedicated to the public good, we will generate new knowledge, challenge existing knowledge, and engage locally, nationally and internationally to create a better world.
Applied health service research/ Asthma/ Epidemiology/ Infection/ Tuberculosis – TB
Global fellowships (return phase only)/European fellowships
ASTHMA UK CENTRE FOR APPLIED RESEARCH (UK-wide; we co-lead) – applied health methodology and postgraduate development
PRAGMATIC CLINICAL TRIALS UNIT – biostatistics and health economics
NIHR RESEARCH DESIGN SERVICE – methodological support the research development stage
TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH UNIT – expertise and capacity for the MRC-Asthma UK Centre for Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma
GLOBAL HEALTH UNIT – training in research methodologies
CLINICAL EFFECTIVENESS UNIT – managing and manipulating large datasets
MEDICAL EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS HUB – systematic review, meta-analysis and modelling
PAEDIATRIC RESPIRATORY MEDICINE HUB – paediatric pulmonary function laboratory
BASIC SCIENCE HUB – state of the art laboratory accommodation.
Our researchers have been highly successful securing large grants from MRC, NIHR and the H2020 European commission for large observational studies and trials in Tuberculosis and Asthma particularly. The MRC-Asthma UK Centre for Allergic Mechanisms in Asthma and the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research are co-led from here.
Over the last 5 years, we made 77 bids linked to respiratory research and 27 were successful in receiving funding (35%). The total income from these projects over the last 5 years was £7,311,553. The largest award (£4m) is related to the CHILL study of air pollution and children’s lung growth.
We have links to local bodies resulting in collaborations, shared fellowships and internships. Close relationship with national (UK Health Security Agency, Mayor of London) and international bodies (WHO, ECDC, IOM and the IULTD) has allowed our research to effectively inform policy.
We are an active member of the Global TB network and its consilium for drug-resistant-TB patients advisory service, and of TB-NET, WHO ERI-TB, the E-DETECT TB consortium and many more.
Queen Mary Innovation (QMI) Ltd is a wholly owned technology transfer company which can: advise on IP; secure patents; and help maximise the economic and societal impact of research.
We are ranked in the top 20 institutions in the World for international outlook. We have a robust track record of hosting international researchers, in post-doctorate fellowships and as PhD students. We offer a supportive and inclusive research and training environment for career development of early career researchers, including a PGR community of approximately 1800 students, as well as funding opportunities for postdoc fellowships.
We hosted ERS fellows in the past and we have/ are hosting 66 MSCA-IF European fellowships and 4 Global Fellowships; partner in 3 RISE. We also coordinated a €5.2 million FP7 MCA COFUND postdoc fellowship programme and hosted 29 COFUND post doc fellowships. We are also a participating academic centre in large international PhD programmes, including the Global Health Research in Africa doctoral training programme.