The Institute of Pharmacology is located at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU), which is an internationally-oriented university propelling itself to become a leading European academic institution. At its young Medical Faculty, research in medical-related fields is already being conducted at 66 institutes and departments. The mission at the Institute of Pharmacology is to find novel pharmacological targets against inflammatory diseases, allergies and asthma. Herein immune cell signalling is investigated using an innovative approach combining cell and molecular biological methods with electrophysiological and ultrastructural techniques. Targeted pharmacologic modulation of cation channels on immune cells aims to improve pneumonia and allergic asthma.
Asthma/COPD/Immunology/Infection/Molecular biology
Global fellowships (return phase only)\ European fellowships
At the Institute of Pharmacology pre-clinical research can be carried employing resources of the Center for Medical Research, which provides researchers with approximately 1500 m² of laboratory space and core facilities for molecular biology, super-resolution imaging and cytometry, mass spectrometry, electrophysiology and next-generation sequencing. In collaboration with the Kepler University Hospital, the pulmonary function diagnostics at the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at the Medical Faculty includes spirometry, bodyplethysmography, CO diffusion measurement, blood gas analysis, ergospirometry and respiratory pressure measurement.
To fund research at the newly founded Institute of Pharmacology, applications to national (FWF) and international (EU) organisations have been submitted, including an application for a national training centre bridging together the Faculties of Medicine and Engineering & Natural Sciences. Currently the Chair of the Pharmacology Institute is part of a Collaborative Research Centre and has industrial collaboration partners. Pre-clinical studies and research projects in the field of respiratory research are currently taking place in close collaboration with European Universities and the Kepler University Hospital. The JKU has an office dedicated to supporting researchers with the acquisition of funding opportunities.
In the frame of the Linz Model, the Johannes Kepler University Linz and the Kepler University Hospital share responsibility for the clinical area of the Faculty of Medicine. The Kepler University Hospital functions as a care facility, but at the same time it is a place of teaching and research for the faculty and students of the Medical Faculty of Linz. This synergy guarantees practical clinical training for students at the highest international level.
The Institute of Pharmacology, as part of the JKU, has a global network of collaborations and partnerships. Through international call for proposals at the Linz Institute of Technology (LIT) international scientists are attracted every year to the JKU. The JKU is part of important European networks and platforms, like ELLIS (European Lab for Learning and Intelligent Systems), AAATE (Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe), ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry), ASEA-UNINET (European Academic University Network) and QuantERA. Moreover, the JKU participates in the EURAXESS-Network and fosters numerous ERC and MSCA-awardees. The Chair of the Institute of Pharmacology has experience as incoming fellow herself as well as in international and national research consortia (FP7: FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIG no. 322185; ERA.Net RUS, STProjets-184,) and national collaborative research centres (DFG, TR152, head of mentoring committee and liaison executive board) and graduate colleges (DFG (associated with GRK2338), FWF (DocFund submitted)).
In the process of applying