The mission of CIBIR is triple:
i) Contribute to develop new therapies and treatments to improve health and citizens’ quality of life.
ii) Promote the training and education for professionals in the health area bringing closer the research to clinical practice.
iii) Contribute to the regional economic growth and development of the biotechnological sector.
To get this, it is mandatory to become an internationally renowned organization in areas of biomedical research. Flexibility and innovation are research elements that permeate our activity. Our institution must be a modern, agile and creative in providing new health solutions through innovation procedures.
Acute Lung Injury (ALI)/ Asthma/ Biomarkers/ Lung cancer/ Smoking
Global fellowships (return phase only)\ European fellowships
Facilities available in house at CIBIR:
– Plethysmograph (SCIREQ, Montreal, Canada)
– MiniVent (Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA)
– Mouse exposure system to cigarette smoke (www.emms.global, exclusive design). Exposure cage with capcity up to 20 mice; particulate matter, O2, CO2 and CO concentration control and continuos registry.
– Laboratory Animal Facility with quarantine, conventional, and specific pathogen-free (SPF) with housing conditions for conventional, genetically modified, and immunodeficient animals (3R principles).
– Genomics and Bioinformatics Technology Platform (CIBIR)
Grants to José Manuel García Pichel:
– MCIN/AEI/PGC2018-097397-B-I00 (Spanish Government/ERDF-EU); Title: “ ROLE OF IGFs IN CIGARRETTE SMOKE-MEDIATED RESPIRATORY INJURY AND THEIR IMPLICATION IN COPD” Price: 95,000€. July 2019-september 2022.
– MCIN/AEI/PGC2018-097397-B-I00 (Spanish Gov.); Title: “Implications of IGFs in asthma: mechanisms of action and mediation in diet effects” Submitted november 2021. Requested: 149.200,00 €.
– FORTALECE/24791-2021/0000000030 (La Rioja Gov); Title: “Diet effects on allergic asthma: mediation of IGFs” Submitted december 2021. Requested: 18.900 €.
– ADER/2020_I_IDI_1/12297 (La Rioja Gov). “Design of new photoactive nanoteranostic materials and their application in Biomedicine”. Submitted september 2020; starting 2022. Requested: 46.900 €.
Please find further information on the CIBIR website: https://www.cibir.es/en/bioethics/about-the-center
Directing the immune response through designed nanomaterials (956544-DIRNANO). H2020, MSCAITN-ETN-2020. [2020-2024]. Two Marie Curie PhD students are linked to this Project
– Big Data driven personalized knee replacement (853943-BD-KNEE). H2020, EIC-FTI-2018-2020-Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) 2018. [2019-2021]
– Nano-confined photonic system for detection of breast cancer spread to the lymph nodes (732794-Hyposens). H2020, ICT-29-2016-Photonics KET 2016. [2016-2019]
– Insights into the role of phages on the bacterial resistome (659314-ROPHARE). H2020, MSCA-IF-GF-2014. [2016-2019]. One Marie Curie Postdoc was linked to this Project.
– Participation in several COST actions during the last eight years, in particular Dr. José M García Pichel has participated in COST BM1201-Developmental Origins of Chronic Lung Disease, UE (2014-2016) (https://www.cost.eu/actions/BM1201/) as a member of the Management Committee.