IRIM is a new research center supported by the CNRS and Montpellier University, dedicated to outstanding academic research in the fields of Bacteriology, Virology, and Immunology, using a combination of interdisciplinary approaches including Biophysics. IRIM covers a wide array of infectious diseases induced by different pathogens, including bacteria such as Coxiella burnetii (agent of the zoonosis Q fever), Mycobacterium tuberculosis, non-tuberculous mycobacteria, Brucella (pathogenic for humans and animals), and viruses (retroviruses, emerging viruses, measles virus, flu virus, hepatitis viruses, CoronaV). It represents a dynamic working environment dealing also with chronic human pathogens, where mycobacteria represent the prototypes of bacterial chronic.
Cell biology\Cystic fibrosis\Infection\Microbiology\Tuberculosis – TB
Global fellowships (return phase only)\ European fellowships
IRIM is located on the CNRS campus that includes two other institutes, CRBM and IGMM. All together, the three institutes, which host around 450 researchers and staff members, constitute an exceptional intellectual and technological environment. The IRIM researchers have access to all the experimental facilities required for cutting-edge research. These include BSL2- and BSL3-laboratories to work with pulmonary pathogens, animal facilities (for transgenesis, homologous recombination and small animal imaging), state-of-the-art cell imaging and microscopy, cytometry and cell sorting, genomics, and proteomics platforms.
Majors resources are from the French National Research Agency (ANR), the Medical Research Foundation (FRM) as well as the French Cystic Fibrosis Association (Vaincre la Mucoviscidose). These fundings led to the creation of a large and successful network of French and European scientists sharing mutual interests in non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), recruitment/training of many PhD students/post-docs, fostering the emergence of innovative projects, particularly in the field of lung diseases caused by NTM. These fudings led to outstanding findings in NTM pathogenesis, drug resistance mechanisms and discovery of new active hits against Mycobacterium abscessus, the most drug-resistance mycobacterial species.
IRIM is supported by the SATT AxLR which values the results of academic laboratories in the Occitania region. It contributes to transforming inventions into innovations to develop products or services in line with industrial and commercial needs.
IRIM is an international academic research center, hosting many international students, post-docs and scientist. The host center is always seeking for highly motivated post-docs with various scientific backgrounds and skills. If successful, the candidate will have the possibility to apply to the competitive national and international fundings and for the French institutional research tenure positions (CNRS).