The Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology (IPBS) is a joint research center of the CNRS and the University of Toulouse. Occupying 12,000 m2 in the heart of the main campus of the University Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, the IPBS is part of one of the most important scientific research clusters in France. IPBS is currently home to more than 250 scientific and administrative staff. Several teams from IPBS share the same objective to understand mycobacterial evolution, physiology and virulence, and host-pathogen interactions and immunity in tuberculosis and other infectious respiratory diseases.
Cystic fibrosis\Immunology\Infection\Microbiology\Tuberculosis – TB
Global fellowships (return phase only)\ European fellowships
The IPBS hosts four state-of-the-art technological facilities: one of the three national proteomics infrastructures (ProFI) and structural biology (PICT: structural biology of pharmacological targets and ligand screening, NMR, X-ray crystallography…), imaging (TRI: single molecule imaging, in vivo multiphoton microscopy…) and animal (ANEXPLO: functional analyses in vivo, BSL3 animal facility…) core facilities. All IPBS core facilities are ISO9001:2000 and IBISA certified. Importantly, IPBS is also one of the few laboratories in the world, if not the only one, with state-of-the-art technologies for imaging and functional exploration in the context of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of cells or animal models.
IPBS is financially supported by CNRS and Toulouse University for infrastructure, salaries for permanent staff, and for part of the research cost. In addition, each teams benefit from specific funding and contract with various international and national agencies, charities or private sector (around 5M€ in 2018). In recent years, teams working on tuberculosis and mycobacterial infection have received grants from EU, NIH, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Human Frontiers Science Foundation, National Research Agencies, Medical Research Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
IPBS is very active in the partnership with industry. Between 2014 and 2019, 8 invention disclosures, 6 patent and 2 licences were generated. In the same period, more than 70 collaborative or sub-contracting partnerships were signed with industrial partners, including Antabio, Evotec, GSK, GTP technology, Invivogen, Janssen Cilag, Pierre Fable, Roche, Sanofi Pasteur, UCB Pharma.
IPBS scientists play major roles in the PhD, graduate and undergraduate programs of the University of Toulouse (60 PhD theses defended and 229 Master students trained in the last five years). Importantly, many foreign students and Post-doc from Europe, Asia, and America are pursuing their training at IPBS. Training in specific techniques is ensured by specialized personnel from the core facilities in our Institute. If needed the postdoc fellows are granted a fellowship to attend an external workshop. Leadership courses and career development workshops are organized on a regularly basis by the CNRS (at least once for trimester). Several meetings are organized by the IPBS (Yearly Department Retreat, Monthly progress reports, weekly Journal Clubs) for young scientist to obtain critical feedback on their scientific work. Finally, IPBS help foreign fellows to organize their stay in our institution and Toulouse (including accommodation finding, administrative procedure, French courses…).