The Centre de Recherche St-Antoine regroups a very strong potential for biomedical research oriented towards both fundamental and translational research. Research is performed in association with the clinical and biological departments of the Saint-Antoine-Tenon-Armand Trousseau hospitals belonging to the same General Hospital Group. The CRSA is composed of 13 accredited research teams and one administrative team located mainly on the site of the Saint-Antoine hospital but also of hospital Armand Trousseau.
Cystic fibrosis, Genetics, Epithelial cell, Immunology, Infection
Global fellowships (return phase only)\ European fellowships
The Research Centre developed collective facilities (such as L2, L3 laboratories) but is also implicated in UPMC networks (for technologies such as Mass spectrometry, lipidomic and proteomic; Cell and tissue imagery and flow cytometry ; Imagery and functional exploration of small animals)
The Research Center is funded by recurring public funders (Inserm, University), national (ANR) or regional public agencies, private and charitable foundations.
The research center regularly welcomes scientists (postdocs, students, visiting professors) from foreign countries for short or long stays. In addition to specific training on the platforms of the research centre, scientists can have access to training organised by Inserm and the university.