The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) was established in 2005 and is the Spanish national supercomputing facility and a hosting member of the PRACE distributed supercomputing infrastructure. The mission of BSC is to research, develop and manage information technologies in order to facilitate scientific progress.
BSC combines HPC service provision, and R&D into both computer and computational science under one roof and currently has over 700 staff from 41 countries. The center has been extremely active in the EC Framework Program and has participated in more than 120 projects funded by it.
Applied health service research/COPD/Cough/Environmental medicine & lung diseases/Ventilation
Global fellowships (return phase only)/European fellowships
The hosting group is devoted to the development high performance computing simulation softwares, with application in science and engineering. In particular, specific research has been carried out in biomechanics, namely the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, involving the solution of electro-physiology, solid mechanics, CFD and particle transport problems.
Concerning the respiratory system, the group has been exploring drug delivery in the airways down to the alveoli, medical devices, ventilation devices, but has also been participating to research projects on pulmonary diseases.
BSC is hosting Marenostrum supercomputer https://www.bsc.es/marenostrum/marenostrum which provides the necessary resources to solve complex multiphysics problems engaged in biomechanics systems.
The group has been involved in a Spanish national project to study personalized computational modelling of COPD and is participating to the COST action Siminhale. To carry out the complex simulations envisaged by our research, large amounts of computational hours were granted in the context of PRACE access calls and SHAPE programme https://prace-ri.eu/prace-for-industry/shape-access-for-smes/.
In the near future, it is expected to develop common strategies and projects with our companion company ELEM Biotech https://elem.bio/.
BSC has been collaborating in research projects with companies like Fluidda https://www.fluidda.com/, for the evaluation of software simulations for tackling drug delivery in the respiratory system; Medtronic for the evaluation of spinal drug delivery; Mercedes, for the evaluation of aerosol extraction device for use in COVID-19 surgical tracheotomy.
BSC has also created the spin-off ELEM Biotech https://elem.bio/, which develops Alya Red, a SaaS deployed in the cloud, to simulate complex biomedical systems, Alya Red being the simulation code developed by the hosting group.
The group has been involved in HPC-Europa programme since the beginning. This programme provides access to supercomputing resources to academic and industrial partners, while promoting scientific collaborations.
The host group has hosted three MSC-IF, among which two are of interest for possible candidates: MatComPhys , Exa-FireFlows, BSC International Summer HPC Internship Program is an international call with 8 to 16 intern positions in order to spend a maximum of 10 weeks within the summer period (from June to September).
The program wants to encourage students to start a research career in our multidisciplinary research center.