CIC biomaGUNE is a non-profit research organisation created by the Basque Government to promote
scientific research and technological innovation in biomaterials. The centre conducts high-level research at the interface between chemistry, physics and biology, with particular emphasis on the biological properties and applications of nanostructures. Our cutting-edge infrastructure includes the Molecular Imaging Facility, a reference platform in Europe in molecular and functional pre-clinical imaging. CIC biomaGUNE is committed to identifying new opportunities contributing to a new biotech sector in the Basque Country. In 2018 it earned the “María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence” accreditation by the Spanish State Research Agency.
Biomarkers/COPD/Fibrosis/Pulmonary hypertension/Smoking/Ventilation
European fellowships
Molecular and Functional Biomarkers laboratory is expert in the study of pulmonary and vascular diseases from functional, molecular imaging and systems biology approaches. Their expertise includes the potential of new non-invasive imaging techniques, e.g. pulmonary MRI, flow MRI, PET, metabolomics and hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. The Radiochemistry & Nuclear Imaging laboratory develops new imaging agents with potential application in PET and SPECT tracers toward the investigation of biological, physiological and pathological processes. The Molecular Imaging Facility that offers state-ofthe-art imaging resources in PET, SPECT, CT, MRI and animal housing facility belongs to the Distributed Biomedical Imaging Network, ReDIB-ICTS.
The host centre counts with grants for basic and applied research funded by European (HE, H2020, MSCA ITN and RISE), national and regional funding agencies such as the Spanish Ministry and the regional Basque government with more than €1,7M devoted to studies in respiratory field and required facilities and infrastructures. In addition, the centre also receives funding from the CIBERES, a network of Spanish research institutions. This funding contributes to provide the laboratories with the resources for consumables and equipment necessary for research activities.
CIC biomaGUNE actively collaborates with the non-academic sector in numerous international projects, through secondment opportunities and promoting the transfer of researchers to the non-academic sector.
The biosciences sector is strategic in the Basque region with more than 94 entities conducting biotechnology research, being 88 biotech companies, and a strong innovation ecosystem with different stakeholders, such as the Basque Health Cluster, the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA) and the Basque Business Development Agency (SPRI) among others, that support business initiatives including mentoring. The centre offers complementary training in soft skills with specific seminars about technology transfer, among others.
CIC biomaGUNE fosters international scientific researcher careers providing postdoctoral, PhD, master, undergraduates programmes as well as vocational training program. During this time, researchers broaden and deepen their research skills and boost their career perspectives. Researchers gain training though research, by means of individual projects under the guidance of a group leader. They also benefit from a training programme that offers weekly lectures by leading scientists, technical training courses, opportunities for short stays at renowned institutions, and hands-on-training for developing scientific skills and transferrable skills.
Additionally, CIC biomaGUNE contributes actively in communication and dissemination activities focused on scientific and non-scientific skills (seminars, workshops and outreach activities) organized by the centre. Specifically, the centre contributes actively in outreach activities such as Women in Science Day, Pint of Science Festival, InspiraSTEAM, and open days at our laboratories and facilities focused on the general population and students.