27 November, 2024
‘The Lung Science Conference in this format is one of the best conferences for respiratory scientists’
The 23rd ERS Lung Science Conference (LSC) will take place from 20–23 March, 2025. It will be one of the most important conferences for basic and translational respiratory scientists to attend in the next 12 months. Early-bird registration also ends soon – register by 15 January, 2025 to benefit from the discounted fee.
The LSC 2025 theme is ‘repairing the lung: from single cells and tissue organisation to regenerative therapy’; its programme will feature a mixture of keynote lectures, presentations, networking and poster sessions.
The conference is appropriate for respiratory scientists of all ages, experiences and expertise but is of particular value to early career professionals. Programme coordinators Prof. Silke Meiners (ERS Conferences and Research Seminars Director) and Dr. Sara Cuevas Ocaña (ERS Early Career Members Committee Chair) tell us what makes the event so significant.
“The Lung Science Conference is the conference for translational and basic scientists,” said Silke.
“For the LSC, we aim to assemble the best basic and translational scientists for lung research. We have senior scientists speaking in the keynote lectures, but we also have a particular focus on the support of early career members and early career scientists.
“We have three really long poster sessions where you can show your science and importantly, we have lots of networking opportunities; you really interact and meet everybody during the conference.”
Sara said: “In the Lung Science Conference, all the sessions happen in one place – everybody attends all sessions, and you will not miss anything. The event is open to anyone working in respiratory science, though we do focus on the needs of early career professionals, with some sessions dedicated to them such as the early career delegates session.
“In this year’s early career delegates session, we will cover career development topics such as mentoring, chairing sessions at Congress and presentation skills and networking – all crucial areas which will help you develop your career. We also have plenty of time for networking, a dedicated mentoring lunch and bursary opportunities to support your travel to the conference.
“At the LSC we are also joined by more senior researchers – who bring the knowledge and experience that we need at the conference, given the complexity of some of the topics we cover and the need to translate our science into the clinic for the benefit of patients.”
Learn more and register for the ERS Lung Science Conference – early-bird registration ends on 15 January, 2025.