We are pleased to announce the return of the ERS Lung Science Conference for 2020. Taking place on 5–8 March, the event will be held in Estoril, Portugal.
The theme for this year’s conference is ‘Metabolic alterations in lung ageing and disease’ and registration is now open.
This annual and much anticipated conference is at the forefront of basic and translational respiratory science and is the ideal event for budding respiratory researchers looking to boost their career.
The full programme offers a unique opportunity to network with peers from across the globe and will present cutting-edge abstracts on novel experimental lung research.
Three awards will be presented during the conference. These are the Young Investigator Session Award, the Best Oral Presentation Award and the Distinguished Poster Awards. All are valuable opportunities for young researchers to showcase their work.
Additionally, a special session for early career delegates will take place.
The conference also provides the opportunity to submit abstracts for presentation and discussion. Abstracts are being accepted from 30 July, 2019, with a deadline for submissions of 1 November, 2019.
An advance programme is available to view now.