16 January, 2025
The prestigious European Respiratory Society (ERS) Early Career Member Award is currently open to nominations or applications, with a deadline of 17 February 2025.
The Early Career Member Award is presented annually to a promising early-career member (ECM) based on their potential for future scientific contribution as well as past and current engagement in the Society.
ECMs are those members of the Society who are below the age of 40. This award is one of several ways that ERS shines a light on ECMs, who make up 33% of the overall ERS membership.
Any ERS member can nominate a candidate, providing they are a member below the age of 40 – meeting the requirements outlined in the guidelines. ECMs can also put themselves forward for this award by applying directly. The deadline in both cases is 23:59 on 17 February, 2024.
ERS Secretary General, Prof. Judith Garcia Aymerich, notes: “Our early-career members are the future leaders of our Society. Many early-career members are making impactful contributions to ERS already – benefiting both members and the wider respiratory community. It is very important that we nurture this group. Recognition for their contributions is part of that and each year we see exceptional candidates put forward for this award. We hope to see the same in 2025”.