Taking place on the 7th June, this ERS Vision Live panel discussion focuses on the management of sarcoidosis.
The expert panellists will be discussing key areas, including:
- Difficult issues in the management of cardiac sarcoidosis,
- who should be treated in sarcoidosis: risk stratification and quality of life issues,
- and finally, treatment regimens in sarcoidosis: what to choose and related issues.

Athol Wells trained in New Zealand before moving to the Brompton Hospital initially as a research fellow before taking up his current post 23 years ago as a clinician leading in ILD.
He has broad ILD research interests covering clinical science (including diagnosis and prognostic evaluation) and translational research.
He has over 530 publications on Medline and is a member of the Fleischner Society and president Elect of the World Association of Sarcoidosis

Elizabeth Renzoni is an ILD specialist working at the Brompton Hospital.
Her key clinical interests include sarcoidosis, idiopathic and connective tissue disease associated ILD, hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Her key research interests include prognostic and outcome biomarkers in lung fibrosis across ILD entities.
She has participated in several recent clinical practice guidelines and is an Associate Editor for Respirology.

Vasilis Kouranos is a consultant respiratory physician at the Royal Brompton Hospital and honorary senior lecturer at Imperial College, London.
He is actively involved in clinical research and part of his research activities he has co-designed and participated as principal investigator in clinical trials in treatment of pulmonary and cardiac sarcoidosis.
He has great experience in management of patients with sarcoidosis, interstitial lung disease and pulmonary fibrosis.

Marlies Wijsenbeek is chair of the Erasmus MC multidisciplinary Centre of Interstitial Lung Diseases and Sarcoidosis (ILDS); a national expert centre and member of the European Reference Network based at the Erasmus University Medical Centre, Netherlands.
Her research interests include patient-centred outcome measures in ILDS, e-health, and new therapies in pulmonary fibrosis and sarcoidosis.
She is chair of the ERS Group 12.01 and associate editor of the European Respiratory Journal

Dominique Valeyre is Professor emeritus of Pulmonology in the University Paris Sorbonne Nord and a pulmonologist in the Hôpital Saint Joseph, in Paris, France.
He is involved in research on sarcoidosis and interstitial lung disease and was the co-chair of the recent ERS-TF clinical practice guidelines on treatment of sarcoidosis.
This event is free and open to all, but registration is required.