PERSPECTIVE – the Pan-European Patient-centred Network Platform for the Extraction of Valid Real-World Evidence in Thoracic Oncology

CRC Chairs:
Torsten Blum (Helios Klinikum Emil von Behring, Berlin, Germany)
Jacques Cadranel (Hôpital Tenon, Paris, France)
Dragana Jovanovic (Internal Medicine Clinic “Akta Medica”, Belgrade, Serbia)


The PERSPECTIVE (Pan-European Patient-centred Network Platform for the Extraction of Valid Real-World Evidence in Thoracic Oncology) clinical research collaboration was launched by the European Respiratory Society (ERS) in 2021.  Lung cancer has led the 2019 overall cancer statistics in terms of incidence and mortality rates. Within Europe, lung cancer continues to be the third most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death. In addition, lung cancer puts the highest costs on national health systems in the European Union (EU) among all malignancies. Over the last decade, new promising developments have revolutionised the impact of diagnostics and therapies in lung cancer. Yet, the capability to manage large, multicentric data sets of different sources and formats as well as to ensure a patient-centred perspective will determine the future success of research in thoracic oncology. PERSPECTIVE has the overarching objective to set up a patient-centred network platform for research in thoracic oncology based on real-world evidence to facilitate research in the field. The creation and implementation of the envisioned powerful platform will provide a unique opportunity to impact new multicentric and multinational research and will provide valuable new insights.

Specific aims

  • To utilise our existing pan-European ERS Thoracic Oncology Assembly network of national lung cancer specialists and lung cancer services to facilitate research in Thoracic Oncology.
  • To gradually build-up a digital Pan-European network platform generating real-world evidence out of multicentric clinical cancer data, molecular biological data, patient-derived app data and imaging data.
  • To ensure a patient-centred perspective throughout this project.
  • To fully comply with all ethico-legal aspects regulated by laws and other demands.
  • To ensure sustainability of the CRC and satisfaction of its network partners based upon a solid business plan.
  • To run multicentric, multinational studies in Thoracic Oncology within this ERS-driven research environment.


To achieve those aims, five work packages have been composed:

  • WP 1: Organisation and management
  • WP 2: Digital network platform set-up, maintenance and adaption
  • WP 3: Ethico-legal compliance and support framework
  • WP 4: Research on lung cancer screening, biomarkers, multi-disciplinary management and real-world evidence in Thoracic Oncology
  • WP 5: Sustainability, external stakeholder-management and business models


The CRC PERSPECTIVE is composed of the following regulatory and advisory bodies:

  • Steering Board which includes the co-chairs, the leads of all work packages, an ELF-representative, an ELF Patient Advisory Group representative, and academic experts
  • Scientific Advisory Board
  • Board of National Clinical Representatives
  • Ethical Advisory Board


If you are interested in more information about PERSPECTIVE net or would like to join the network, please contact