The Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto (FMUP) is one of the most renowned Portuguese Higher Education institutions, excelling in the promotion of academic quality, the production of top-ranked science, and the symbiotic connection with reference health institutions. FMUP strategic alignment with São João University Hospital Center (CHUSJ) and the adjacency to that institution are of paramount importance and take the form of a multidisciplinary collaborative space.
The Department of Pathology is composed by four different units, including the Basic & Clinical Immunology, Genetics, Microbiology, and Biopathology, offering a multidisciplinary environment. Regarding the respiratory research, ii has been dedicated to basic science and clinics, including disease prevention and diagnosis improvement in allergic and respiratory diseases field.
Cell biology/Environmental medicine and lung diseases/Interstitial lung disease/M-health and e-health/Occupational medicine and lung diseases
Global fellowships (return phase only)\European fellowships
The Department of Pathology, FMUP integrates a multidisciplinary team of researchers, physicians and several health professionals from different areas. Regarding the respiratory field, our team includes experts in drug allergy, severe asthma, allergy and sports, immunodeficiencies, interstitial lung diseases and occupational allergy. This Unit benefits from a within flow-cytometry facility, and it is equipped with different technical devices [e.g., electronic nose Cyranose 320® and Microarray scanner (Phadia MIA, Thermo Fisher)]. It also benefits from a Lung Function Lab and a specialized day care hospital, based on CHUSJ.
In FMUP, between 2015-2019, 152 projects were financed through competitive calls (28 with international institutions), granting total funding of €23M. Our team have collaborated to produce Task Forces and position papers (European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and European Respiratory Society). Researchers have led and participated in respiratory research projects together with international (Charité Medical University, Berlin, project @IT-2020-MC) and national institutions, including Institute of Public Health of the UP and Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering: HEBE: Health, Comfort and Energy in the Built Environment (NORTE2020, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000010); EXALAR 21 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-0301); PROFIT Study (Research4COVID19 133_596790090).
The Department of Pathology has a strong ongoing link with CHUSJ, namely the Allergy and Clinical Immunology Department, which was certified as a GA2LEN Center in 2006 and has adopted a certified Quality Management Program since 2014 (ISO 9001). It also benefits from the integration R&D Units to the FMUP, namely the Center for Health Technology and Services Research – and from the proximity and scientific collaboration with the Institute of Public Health from the UP and, more recently, the Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (ITR). Some research groups from the Department of Pathology have established collaboration with the private non-academic sector, including innovative textiles for atopic dermatitis and m-health applications in respiratory allergic disorders.
The FMUP has fostered 250 clinical trials and published more than 5,700 WoS indexed scientific articles (nearly 60 are Highly Cited) aggregating 41,200 citations that attest to FMUP´s scientific performance (near 40% of articles published in Q1 journals), mainly on Clinical Research at a national and an international level (more than 42% of articles with international collaborations). Our research team from the Department of Pathology has collaborated with other departments from the FMUP and São João University Hospital Center (e.g., Pulmonology, Pharmacy, and Infectious Diseases). In addition, at the Department of Pathology, researchers are able to work with other researchers and academics from different areas, including epidemiology, immunology and allergology, nutrition, environment, machine learning, among others. Researchers take part in pre and post-graduation teaching, through supervising and providing courses and lectures. All of these activities contribute to their career development and training programs.