UCL-TB is a broad and cross-disciplinary Tuberculosis research network that spans University College London and our partners throughout the world. Our mission is to research the prevention, treatment and cure of TB in communities with, and at risk of, the disease. This is achieved by bringing together over 30 Principal Investigators, as well as through our strong links with the biomedical discovery Francis Crick Institute (www.crick.ac.uk/), which offers unrivalled reach and basic science facilities. Our UCL MRC Clinical Trials Unit (https://www.ucl.ac.uk/clinical-trials-and-methodology/about/mrcctu-at-ucl) is world-renowned for its work in Infection and TB.
Applied health service research\Epidemiology\Immunology\Infection\Tuberculosis – TB
Global fellowships (return phase only)/European fellowships – in line with current status
Drawing on our researchers’ diverse skill-set and expertise, UCL-TB’s programmes include basic science, translational research, clinical trials, and implementation and evaluation of large scale projects in local communities, and across the world. Our cutting-edge outputs range from innovative bench work to improving the health of the public. We provide our researchers access to logistical and IT support, training and mentoring schemes, and interdisciplinary seminar series. Our students and post-graduates highly recommend the experience of working with us as they become the next generation of researchers, scientists and clinical academics.
Since 2014, UCL-TB researchers have generated >50 Million Euros direct grant funding and published >250 papers. We are consistently placed in the top 3 TB research institutions in the UK and Europe.
We have strong and on-going links with the UK National Health Service, Public Health England, the World Health Organisation and several Non-Governmental Organisations, and companies in the TB field in the UK as well as in TB endemic settings.
We have extensive experience of hosting international post-doctoral researchers within our laboratories and departments, and understand that a successful project requires both academic and pastoral support. We seek to ensure that people who work with us can take advantage of the wide range of postgraduate training offered by UCL. This is designed to up-skill researchers and maximise their learning and outputs (https://doctoral-skills.ucl.ac.uk/list-training.pht). Our links with numerous external partners enable us to offer a broad range of opportunities to our students and post-graduates. For example, previous researchers have spent time working with PHE, to develop a deep and first-hand experience of population-based health systems as they relate to respiratory disease.
In the process of applying