Tampere University (TAU, Tampereen korkeakoulusaatio sr) was created on January 1st, 2019 as a merger of Tampere University of Technology and University of Tampere. The multidisciplinary, foundation-based Tampere University is Finland’s second-largest university with over 20.000 students and 330 professors. TAU conducts scientific research in technology, health and society and provides the highest education within these fields. The research missions of TAU are:
1) Health and well-being for all at all ages,
2) Resource-efficient and safe environments,
3) Socially responsible digitalization and tranformation of work, and
4) Fair, democratic, and inclusive societies.
The host center, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, is one of the University´s seven faculties. It has several research focus areas including work on immunology and vaccines, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.
Epidemiology\Immunology\Infection\Molecular biology\Tuberculosis – TB
Global fellowships (return phase only)\ European fellowships
The laboratories of the TAU Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology are equipped with regular molecular biology equipments (PCR machines, gel electrophoresis equipments, gel imaging, hoods, laboratory incubator shakers etc). The host center provides several special equipments for the research groups, e.g. fluorescence microscopes, confocal microscopes, microdissector, DNA-sequencers, mass-spectrometry, microarray scanners, Light Cycler real-time PCR machines, etc. The host center also provides cell culture rooms and a protein production facility with a fermentor. The host center has a clean room facility with class ISO6 as well as the largest zebrafish facility of Finland. TAU Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology is located in the same campus area with the second largest university hospital (Tampere University Hospital) of Finland.
The total personnel of the host center (Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology) is 465 FTE (full time equivalent) including 333 FTE (teaching/research staff) + 132 FTE (other personnel). The basic funding of the host center is 27.5 million euros / year, which comes from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The amount of external (competitive) funding is 30.5 million euros / year. At present, the host group (prof. Seppo Parkkila) has two positive funding decisions for tuberculosis research. The first from Jane&Aatos Erkko Foundation (about 450 000 euros) and the other from the Academy of Finland (about 150 000 euros).
TAU is a member of global SPARK innovation program, first established by Stanford University. SPARK Finland program is designed to increase the maturity of academic and clinical discoveries towards practical solutions in the life science and health tech space. The program supports also career development by educating scientists, students and clinicians on drug and health tech discovery and development, and building the understanding of business aspects related to the discoveries. SPARK Finland works in close relationship with the innovation and technology transfer office of TAU.
Annually, TAU allocates some 10 M€ for doctoral education. Doctoral training takes place in the University’s doctoral programmes of respective seven academic faculties including the host center (Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology). Special attention in Doctoral training is paid to internationality and methodological, working life and researcher skills. In FP7, TAU (UTA and TUT universities before the university merger) had in total over 120 projects out of which 17 were Marie Curie actions. The universities coordinated ITNs: PURESAFE (264336), HPCFinance (289032), MULTI-POS (316528), ETN-FPI (676401) and BigDataFinance (675044). In H2020, TAU is currently coordinating 4 MSCA-ITN projects ImmerSAFE (764951), A-WEAR (813278), FibreNet (764713) and MORE (858101), and participates as beneficiary in 10 more. In addition, TAU participates in 3 RISE, 7 IF, 2 COFUND Programmes and two NIGHT projects. Overall, TAU is participating in 116 research projects (RIA, IA & CSA) in H2020 and Erasmus+.