The Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga (IBIMA) is a multidisciplinary public institution dedicated to biomedical research around the Andalusian Public Health Service, the Andalusian Centre for Nanomedicine & Biotechnology and the University of Malaga.
It has more than 70 research groups working on 8 big research areas. IBIMA aims to promote research of excellence, combining basic, clinical and technological research thus promoting innovation and the transfer of results to society in the form of advances in the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This institute is managed by FIMABIS (Andalusian Public Foundation for Health and Biomedicine Research in Malaga).
Asthma/ Fibrosis/ Lung cancer/ Paediatrics/ Pulmonary hypertension
Global fellowships (return phase only)/European fellowships
- Regional University Hospital of Málaga (HRUM) and Virgen de la Victoria University Hospital (HUVV). They have specialized respiratory disease units, allowing clinical and research activities.
- Research Laboratories with the latest scientific equipment located in both hospitals and in University of Málaga.
- Andalusian Centre for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (BIONAND), 6500 m2’s area, 12 laboratories and supports units (Nanoimaging, cell culture, chemical, histology and animal facilities).
- Research facilities: Animal experimentation, biobank, bioinformatics, cell Production and GMP Rooms, clinical trials, cellular biology, microscopy, proteomics, genomics & statistical advice.
- Research Support Units: Quality, monitoring and evaluation, Project management, International Projects, Innovation and technology transfer.
- Allergic Diseases to Drugs and Allergens Research group, with several top rank investigators at European levels. This group participates in 4 European projects, including a MSCA PF.
- A complete area of oncology with several groups approaching lung cancer. We count with a specific center for cancer research – CIMO.
- An outstanding and innovative clinical service specialized in Pulmonary hypertension disease. The main coordinators of the service count with several projects at national level.
- Respiratory Unit of HRUM and HUVV specialized on several respiratory diseases (infection, tabaquism, surgery, … ).
- Pediatric respiratory resources including pediatric pulmonologists and pediatric allergists.
- IBIMA is located in “Malaga TechPark”, an innovation ecosystem gathering SMEs, companies, start-ups, researchers and incubators. IBIMA hosts spin-offs and start-ups created as results of its R&D&I activities.
- Member of the national Health and Medical Technology Innovation Platform (ITEMAS) and of the European Association for Bioindustries
- Part of the international infrastructures such as EATRIS and ECRIN.
- IBIMA participates in international networks, leading the COST Action 17112 and participating in more than 40 CAs.
- It participates in international collaborative projects funded by the EC through H2020 and HE programmes.
- IBIMA has a close relationship with clinical services, hospitals, and patients’ association.
IBIMA aims to attract international researchers of excellence, promoting and stimulating their research career. To this end, it actively participates in international training programs, and it has been awarded and participate in the following actions: 1) H2020-MSCA-IF: ASSERT (101027955); 2) H2020-MSCA-IF: DIRECTA (748749); 3) H2020-MSCA-IF: INMUNOMARK (799818); 4) H2020-MSCA-RISE: IGAME (823871); 5) H2020-MSCA-COFUND: INPHINIT (713673); 6) FP7-PEOPLEIAPP: Mr.SymbioMath (324554); 7) FP7-PEOPLE-IEF: DENDRIMMUNEASSAYS (300230); 8) IUPHAR (International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology) Mentoring Center.
Also, we host a big number of investigators, internships, and other profiles through programs such as Erasmus +, IBRO program, HOPE program, etc. Since 2011 we have hosted 43 investigators and professionals.
In July 2017, the European Commission awarded IBIMA-FIMABIS the HRS4R Seal in recognition of the commitment acquired in implementing the principles of the “European Charter of Researcher and Code of Conduct in the Recruitment of Researchers “through its HRS4R strategy Implementation Plan.