Stimulating scientific discussion and crucial collaboration: a Lung Science Conference 2025 preview

Stimulating scientific discussion and crucial collaboration: a Lung Science Conference 2025 preview - article image

28 January, 2025

The ERS Lung Science Conference 2025 takes place in Estoril, Portugal from 20–23 March (and online); it will be a showcase for state-of-the-art respiratory medicine and science.

With onsite spaces filling fast and online attendance also available, Prof. Janette Burgess and Dr Emma Rawlins, two of the Programme Coordinators for #LSC2025, have answered key questions about what makes this event so important.

What are you looking forward to most about the Lung Science Conference 2025 – and which sessions are you most excited about?

Janette Burgess:

The chance to catch up with colleagues from around the world and meet new people in a stimulating environment where we can discuss lung science in a multi-dimensional manner. I am most excited about the Young Investigator Session (Friday 20 March, 15:20 WET) and the Pro-Con Debate (Saturday 21 March, 18:00 WET).

Emma Rawlins:

Apart from all the great science I know I will see overall, I am looking forward to the three poster sessions and also having the opportunity to discuss presenters’ projects in detail.

What can people expect from the programme and its theme ‘Repairing the lung: from single cells and tissue organisation to regenerative therapy’?


I hope we have captured a diversity of themes that will come together to cover many different elements that are needed for understanding how the lung can (be) repair(ed) and how we can integrate information from many different scales to move towards lung regeneration and improving patients’ lives.


We hope to showcase how the community is moving from analysis of single cell data to thinking about cells working in communities within the lungs, and how lung regeneration will require restoration of these functional communities – or niches.

What would be your top three reasons to attend the Lung Science Conference – for both returning or first-time attendees?


  • Stimulating discussions with likeminded, open people which mean I always leave brimming with ideas to explore to move the field forward.
  • Catching up with friends and making new ones to open opportunities for collaborations.
  • Great science presented by passionate people who are always willing to share ideas.


  • Community and science discussions.
  • Combination of fundamental biology with therapeutic opportunities.
  • More science discussions!

Is there anything else you would like to mention?


The atmosphere is always open, inclusive and everyone is approachable. Plus, the venue and food are great!

Learn more or register for the ERS Lung Science Conference 2025.
