Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation Conference 2020: Register or submit an abstract or case

Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation Conference 2020: Register or submit an abstract or case - article image

We are pleased to announce that ERS will be hosting the first ever Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation Conference. The event will take place on 13–15 February, 2020 and will be held in Berlin, Germany.

Registration is now open and an early-bird discount is currently available.

Featuring cutting-edge scientific sessions and interactive educational content, the conference will be of particular interest to pulmonologists, paediatricians, intensivists and other professionals working in critical care.

The programme for the conference has been developed around three main tracks of adult acute respiratory failure, chronic respiratory failure and paediatric respiratory failure. An advance programme is available to view.

At the conference, participants will have access to experts in the field and be able to participate in hands-on practical skills sessions, as well as having the opportunity to undertake networking with colleagues and peers.

The conference also provides the opportunity to submit cases and abstracts for presentation and discussion. Abstracts and cases are being accepted now, with a deadline for submissions of 12 August, 2019.
