ERS elections 2025: congratulations to newly elected leaders

ERS elections 2025: congratulations to newly elected leaders - article image

16 January, 2025

Following the 2025 European Respiratory Society (ERS) elections, which saw ERS members vote to elect their preferred candidates for National Delegate, Assembly Head and Secretary, and Group Chair and Secretary positions, ERS is pleased to announce the successful candidates.

Please note that a third call for candidates is ongoing for the roles of Chair of Group 7.01 and Secretary of Group 14.03. A second round of voting, running from 21 January until 10 February, is also open for Chair of Group 8.01; National Delegate (Indonesia); and National Delegate (Pakistan). ERS members should nominate, apply or vote via their myERS account.

ERS would like to thank all members who took the time to vote in the elections; as a member-driven society, your selection of ERS leaders will guide the way in which our society develops over the coming months.

ERS would also like to sincerely thank all members who nominated themselves or others to take up an active role within ERS. It is the enthusiasm of our members that enables ERS to continue to promote lung health and drive standards for respiratory medicine globally.
