Research into the pathogenic mechanism and clinical monitoring of inflammatory diseases of any system is only complete if it involves the study of both the underlying pathological features and the physiological consequences that result from what are always complex inflammatory processes.
Most of initial observations made in asthma, documenting the involvement of eosinophils, mast cells, and T-cells were made in studies using fibre optic bronchoscopy in conjunction with bronchoalveolar lavage and bronchial biopsy. However, the invasiveness of these techniques restricted the use of bronchoscopy to a research setting that was available in a very limited number of specialised centres. This has not allowed bronchoscopy to develop into a practical diagnostic tool which would guide the clinician in routine practice.
Similarly, it was not easy to apply bronchoscopy in large clinical trials.
The virtual event is the easiest way to discuss and share all novelties of the topic. The Research Seminar will mainly focus on:
- Sputum induction technique
- Safety of sputum induction
- Methods of sputum processing (new techniques)
- Sputum induction in children
- Clinical applications
- Use of induced sputum in clinical trials
- Research aspects
- Key points and outstanding questions.
Participant benefits
- To update their knowledge in the technique of induced sputum
- To learn the technique of sputum induction
- To learn the new techniques to process the sputum samples
- To apply induced sputum technique in clinical and research setting
- To help the panellists in the discussion for the future remarks
Registration for this seminar is free and it is now open. To register your interest, please complete the online registration form here. Deadline to register is 6 February 2023.
This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No. 831434 (3TR). The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.
Find more information about the:
- 3TR project: www.3tr-imi.eu
- IMI: www.imi.europa.eu