This ERS research seminar will cover the latest knowledge in a variety of research areas, from early life and development, the healthy population and disease modification, and the latest developments on lung function equations, as the exchange of ideas between these topic areas is an important justification for the seminar.
The seminar is organised by members of the ERS clinical research collaboration, CADSET, which is a pan-European network of academic and pharmaceutical company researchers.
It will also involve a wide range of international experts who will share current knowledge and expertise to researchers, both senior and junior, and those working in industry who are engaged in similar work.
The main objective of the seminar is to review the current understanding of lung function growth and decline in healthy populations and those with disease, among both children and adults. The aim is to evaluate factors that account for variation in absolute and normalised data, and in trajectories and trends over time. Finally, the organisers also aim to revise key and controversial concepts, as early COPD and asthma / COPD overlap that are linked to the different vital lung function trajectories.
Registration for this seminar is now closed.
Please note that participation in this research seminar is upon selection. Notification of selections will be sent in early June 2021.