ERS Vision – Live Panel Discussion

An update on post-COVID lung fibrosis


Taking place on 4 December, 2023, this ERS Vision Live panel discussion will provide an update on post-COVID lung fibrosis.

The expert panellists will discuss key areas, including:

  • Prevalence and outcomes of post-COVID fibrosis
  • Molecular Biology
  • Lung Imaging and Physiology

This event is free to access but registration is required.


Prof. David Montani  - profile image
Prof. David Montani
Professor at the French National Referral Centre for Pulmonary Hypertension, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Hôpital Bicêtre, Paris

David is Professor at the French National Referral Centre for Pulmonary Hypertension in the Department of Respiratory Medicine headed by Prof. Marc Humbert at the Hôpital Bicêtre, Paris, France.

His main research interest is in the field of pulmonary vascular diseases, in particular the management of pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD), pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) associated with drug exposure, PAH associated with orphan pulmonary diseases and genetics (BMPR2, ACVRL1, NF1, TBX4, SOX17) of PAH and PVOD.

David has developed a screening programme of pulmonary hypertension in asymptomatic subjects carrying a genetic susceptibility to PAH/PVOD in the French PAH network.

David has published >400 articles mainly on pulmonary hypertension (genetics, drugs-associated PAH, pulmonary rare diseases, basic science) and is Editor-in-Chief of Respiratory Medicine and Research (

Prof. Katerina Antoniou - profile image
Prof. Katerina Antoniou
Professor in Respiratory Medicine; Head of the Molecular and Cellular Pneumonology Laboratory, School of Medicine, University of Crete, Greece

Katerina is Professor in Respiratory Medicine and Head of the Molecular and Cellular Pneumonology Laboratory at the School of Medicine, University of Crete, Greece.

She is the Chair of the Public Relationship Committee for the Medical School and was elected member of the Executive WASOG committee and Head of the ERS Assembly 12 for Interstitial lung diseases (mandate from September 2021).

Previous ERS appointments include:

- Coordinator of the ERS Group 1.05 (interstitial lung diseases) from 2014–2017
- ILDs Group of the Hellenic Thoracic Society (HTS, 2011-2017)
- Secretary of ERS Assembly 12
- Member of the ERS Science Council

Through all her posts she emphasised in bridging disciplines from primary to tertiary care. Her main goal is prioritising patient-centred domains into clinical care and research and improving patients’ quality of life and functional status.

Prof. Antoniou’s current research focuses on the pathogenesis and treatment of Pulmonary Fibrosis while her laboratory group is evaluating alveolar macrophage phenotypes and function, mitochondrial homeostasis, oxidation status and the inflammasomes with multiple publications in the field. Her purpose is to establish translational biomarkers useful for the diagnosis and disease progression of lung fibrosis and the most recently characterised Progressive Fibrotic Phenotype.


Prof. Anh-Tuan Dinh-Xuan - profile image
Prof. Anh-Tuan Dinh-Xuan
Head of the Unit of Clinical Physiology at Cochin University Hospital, Department of Respiratory Medicine and Thoracic Surgery, Paris Centre University Hospitals

Since 2006, Anh-Tuan has been the Head of the Unit of Clinical Physiology at Cochin University Hospital, in the Department of Respiratory & Sleep Medicine & Thoracic Surgery at the Paris Centre University Hospitals.

He has served the scientific activities of the ERS as scientific group chair twice and as Editor of the European Respiratory Review (one mandate) and Editor of the ERJ (without discontinuation since 2000).

Anh-Tuan has also just completed his mandate as Chair of the Publication Committee (Sept 2020 – Sept 2023) and is a Fellow of the European Respiratory Society.

Prof. Bruno Crestani - profile image
Prof. Bruno Crestani
Professor of Pneumology at the Université de Paris Cité, Paris, France

Bruno is Professor of Pneumology at the Université de Paris Cité, Head of the Reference Centre for Rare Pulmonary Diseases in Bichat Hospital in Paris, and the Director of the Inserm research group "Inflammation and pulmonary fibrosis" (UMR 1152, Université Paris Cité).

His research interests are focused on the pathophysiology of fibrotic lung disorders with the aim of identifying new therapeutic targets, with a particular interest in the genetics of pulmonary fibrosis.

He received the ILD-Gold Medal award from ERS in 2018.

Prof. Marialuisa Bocchino - profile image
Prof. Marialuisa Bocchino
Associate Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the Federico II University of Naples, Italy

Marialuisa is an Associate Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the Federico II University of Naples in Italy.

She is a respiratory medicine specialist with both clinical and laboratory experience in the field of infectious diseases and interstitial lung diseases (ILDs).

Since 2013 she has been the head of the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and ILDs dedicated Unit of the UNINA Respiratory Medicine Division at the Monaldi Hospital (Azienda Ospedaliera dei Colli) of Naples.

Marialuisa has been involved in national and international collaborative projects aimed at the characterisation of clinical and radiological phenotypes of IPF, progressive fibrosing ILDs, and of ILDs related to systemic connective tissue diseases.

Since November 2022, Marialuisa has been the Director of the School of Specialisation in Respiratory Diseases at the School of Medicine, Federico II University of Naples. In this context, Marialuisa has strongly promoted the inclusion of an integrated multidisciplinary teaching aimed at promoting young pneumologists’ knowledge and awareness of ILDs.