ERS Vision – Live Panel Discussion

AI and digital technology: transforming patient/professional relationships for better or worse?

6 May, 2024 | Online

18:00–19:00 CEST


Taking place on Monday 6 May, 2024, this ERS Vision Live panel discussion is on the topic of AI and digital technology: transforming patient/professional relationships for better or worse?

The expert panellists will discuss key areas, including:

  • Transforming clinical services (from a GP and public health perspective).
  • Transforming respiratory specialist care
  • Promoting a positive transformation

Though this discussion stands alone, it will also be an excellent precursor to themed content due to be presented at the ERS Congress for anyone joining us.

This event is free to access but registration is required.


Prof. Hilary Pinnock  - profile image
Prof. Hilary Pinnock
Professor of Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, at the University of Edinburgh and a family doctor in Whitstable, Kent

Hilary is a family physician and Professor of Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, at the University of Edinburgh. She leads programmes of work in the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research and the RESPIRE NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Respiratory Health, and is a co-Lead of the ERS CONNECT Clinical Research Collaboration on implementation of digital respiratory care. Her research interests focus on delivery of care including implementing supported self-management for asthma, remote consulting and digital health for respiratory disease, pulmonary rehabilitation in low resource settings, and supportive care for people with severe COPD. She is Chair of the ERS Education Council, and involved with the International Primary Care Respiratory Group. She is a member of the BTS/SIGN British Asthma Guideline Development Group and is an Associate Editor of npjPrimary Care Respiratory Medicine.

Prof. Nicolas Roche - profile image
Prof. Nicolas Roche
Professor of Respiratory Medicine at Paris Cité University, and Head of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Cochin Hospital

Nicolas is Professor of Respiratory Medicine at Paris Cité University, and Head of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Cochin Hospital, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris – Centre, Paris, France, and a researcher at Paris Cité University. He graduated in medicine in 1994 and obtained his PhD in 2003. His major areas of interest are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, inhaled therapy and real-life research especially focusing on comparative effectiveness studies. Nicolas is a member of the GOLD scientific Committee and an executive committee member of the Respiratory Effectiveness Group. He co-coordinates the production of the French guidelines on COPD. He has served as President of the Société de Pneumologie de Langue Française, co-chair of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) 2018 annual congress, guidelines director at ERS and member of the American Thoracic Society. He is currently serving a three-year-long mandate as ERS Science Council Chair since September 2022.


Dr Rebecca Rosen - profile image
Dr Rebecca Rosen
Senior Clinical Fellow in Health Policy at the Nuffield Trust and a General Practitioner in South East London

Rebecca is a Senior Clinical Fellow in Health Policy at the Nuffield Trust and a General Practitioner in South East London. She is a member of a research collaboration about the growth of digital and remote consulting in general practice which has recently completed and has practical experience of introducing digital triage into general practice.

Dr David Drummond - profile image
Dr David Drummond
Paediatric pulmonologist at the University Hospital Necker-Enfants Malades, Associate professor at the Université-Paris Cité

David is a paediatric pulmonologist at the University Hospital Necker-Enfants Malades (Paris, France) and associate professor at the Université-Paris Cité. His research focuses on digital health for children with respiratory diseases, and in particular on how continuous home monitoring of these children can lead to timely and personalised care. Within the European Respiratory Society, David is the secretary of the mHealth/eHealth group and a core member of the CONNECT clinical research collaboration launched in 2023, and the co-editor of the ERS monograph Digital Respiratory Healthcare released in December 2023.

Mr. Kjeld Hansen - profile image
Mr. Kjeld Hansen
Patient ambassador, lecturer at Kristiania University College Oslo

Kjeld is an asthma patient and patient ambassador from Denmark. He is a former chair of the European Lung Foundation (ELF) and has been associated with ELF since 2012. In his professional capacity, Kjeld is working with digitalisation and is employed by the academic institution Kristiania in Oslo, Norway. In his patient advocacy work, Kjeld is inspired by digitalisation as an enabler for new approaches and organisational forms that put people with respiratory conditions at the center of the initiative