Applications open

ERS/ELF Travel grant for best abstract in patient centred research

The ERS/ELF Travel grant for best abstract in patient-centred research, sponsored by ELF, offers an early-bird registration and a travel grant to two abstract authors to attend the ERS Congress 2025, Amsterdam.

The ELF award for patient-centred research will be given to the abstract which best demonstrates the most effective and impactful example of patient involvement in medical research. To find out more about patient involvement in research, visit the ELF website.

Eligibility criteria:

  • This travel grant will fund scientists and/or clinicians doing research that is focused on issues that will have patient-centred outcomes which will impact directly on patients, and/or qualitative research that helps understand patients conditions, and/or that directly matter to patients and that patients understand. Preferably the research will have had patient involvement throughout
  • ERS active membership
  • Minimum average grade of 3.5
  • Must not have won this specific grant previously
  • Must not have received any other ERS award, abstract grant, or sponsorship in the last three years
  • 40 years of age or under at the time of the application deadline

Apply when submitting your abstract via the ERS abstract submission platform for the ERS Congress 2025, Amsterdam.

Please refer to the ERS grants & sponsorships guidance 2025 before applying.