Australia Clayton, Victoria

Monash University

Department of Respiratory Research

Brief overview

Monash University is the largest university in Australia, ranked in the world’s top 100 and a member of the prestigious Group of Eight. We believe that great research, when properly applied, can lead to lasting and positive change in the world. The Central Clinical School is co-located at Alfred Health, home to one of Australia’s largest respiratory medicine departments. We partner with health professionals, patients and policy makers to conduct research that makes a difference to patients and to translate our findings into the best clinical care.

Research areas

Applied health service research/Asthma/COPD/Fibrosis/Immunology/Interstitial lung disease (ILD)/Physical activity

Host centre eligibility

Global fellowships (outgoing initial phase only)

Research infrastructure/facilities

Our respiratory research infrastructure comprises dedicated facilities in Monash University’s Central Clinical School, including offices, meeting rooms, clinical suites and laboratories for pre-clinical research; prospective clinical registries linked to a range of tissue and blood biobanks; state-of-the-art diagnostic services, including imaging, bronchoscopy, and respiratory and sleep physiology services; clinical trials facilities; internationally recognised and highly experienced clinician trialists, expert in a broad range of advanced and rare lung diseases; and well characterised and large patient cohorts. Our state-wide and national clinical programs encompass severe asthma, cystic fibrosis, advanced lung disease, immunodeficiency, pulmonary hypertension, ILD, lung transplantation and lung cancer.

Research funding/resources

Our respiratory research group is a recognised leader in research across a wide range of respiratory conditions. Our expanding team includes senior researchers who are international leaders in their fields, as well as early and mid-career researchers and students across a range of disciplines including medicine, allied health and nursing.

We have a strong track record of competitive grant funding from national and international schemes, and well-established relationships with philanthropic and government funders. In Australia this includes the National Health and Medical Research Fund, Medical Research Future Fund, Lung Foundation Australia and Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand.

Links to non-academic sector

We have strong relationships with industry partners in drug discovery and device development, with support for business development from Monash University. Our key partners include peak bodies for respiratory medicine in Australia and patient advocacy organisations, including consumer advisory panels providing key consumer input into our research priorities.

Our research program is embedded at Alfred Health, home to several state-wide respiratory services, providing access to key clinical opinion leaders and ensuring our research is positioned at the forefront of advances in clinical care.

Experience hosting international researchers, career development & training programmes, outreach activities

In the last five years we have hosted research fellows from Europe, United Kingdom, Asia, South America and North America. Training opportunities at Monash University include development programs for early career researchers focusing on both scientific and non-scientific skills; media and impact training; grant-writing workshops; training in consumer and community involvement in research; and commercialisation pathways.

Our Research Fellows are encouraged to attend and present at state-based and national respiratory research meetings to expand their networks and facilitate collaboration. Research Fellows are supported to develop and lead their own program of work, including applying for grants, with emphasis on robust research methodology and potential for impact on patient outcomes. Our program has a strong focus on career development, regardless of career stage, with opportunities for mentorship both within and outside the respiratory research field.

HR Excellence in Research – EU award


