Science & Research

EARCO registry reaches 1,000 patients

EARCO registry reaches 1,000 patients - article image

The European Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency research collaboration (EARCO), an ERS Clinical Research Collaboration (CRC) that aims to promote research in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD), has now registered over 1000 patients, a huge achievement for such a rare condition. Patients included in EARCO will provide information about the natural history of the disease and the impact of risk factors and treatment on the evolution of lung and liver disease in AATD.

This international registry is the main research activity of EARCO, which was launched in February 2020. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the EARCO registry has succeeded in gathering this large number of patients, as well as 46 investigators interested in AATD, over 16 countries. As well as this registry, the EARCO group, made up of researchers, patients and caregivers, has developed a document outlining the unmet needs of AATD research, which is guiding the research activities of EARCO. Two research projects have been concluded: one survey on AAT augmentation therapy, and one prospective study on the impact of COVID-19 in patients with AATD. The list of ongoing projects can be found on the EARCO website.

The EARCO registry is still recruiting centers around the world, and establishes collaborations with individual centers, or existing national AATD registries. Researchers interested can contact the EARCO team through the EARCO website.

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