ERS online scientific workshops are scientific research-oriented events, the programme of which includes cutting-edge and basic science, unpublished data and research in progress. These events are designed to support approved and ongoing CRCs or EU projects in which ERS is a partner.
Criteria for the organisation of ERS online scientific workshops supporting existing projects in which ERS is partner are external funding availabilities, substantial achievements and results to be presented. Timely relevance of the programme content and expected outcome need to be justified.
ERS online scientific workshops are usually one day event with scientific plenary sessions and break-out sessions (left to the discretion of the organisers). It is encouraged to include young scientists in the programme as potential future leaders in the field.
Main objectives of the ERS online scientific workshops are:
- Disseminate projects results
- Foster networking and receive input from the community at key milestones of the project timeline
- Gather well-established and young investigators as future leaders of the field