The LUMC is a modern university medical center for research, education and patient care with a high-quality profile and a strong scientific orientation. Research at the Department of Pulmonology is focused on COPD (including AATD), lung cancer and ILD, and the Laboratory for Respiratory Cell Biology and Immunology is performing basic and translational research in this area. A main focus of the laboratory is the study of the role of the airway and alveolar epithelium in chronic lung disease, and lung tissue repair.
Cell biology\COPD\Epithelial cell\Immunology\Infection
Global fellowships (return phase only)\ European fellowships
The Department of Pulmonology has extensive expertise in especially the culture of lung epithelial cells. State of the art 3D air-liquid interface, organoid and lung-on-chip cultures, as well as hiPSC culture and exposure systems are available. State of the art equipment for cell culture, molecular biology and immunochemistry is present in the Laboratory. Core facilities in LUMC are available for genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and imaging.
National and international funding for research is provided by government, charities, EU and companies.
The LUMC is located adjacent to the Leiden Bio Science Park, that hosts 93 companies and institutions. Relevant collaborations within the Bio Science park, as well as with various companies in the Netherlands and abroad are in place.
Extensive experience in hosting international researchers (post-docs and PhD students; including those visiting on ERS fellowships) and providing mentoring on career development. Excellent training facilities and networking opportunities within LUMC. Outreach activities include presentations to patients and at elementary and high schools, public talks, lab visits and participation in Science Days.