Apply now for 2019 Short-Term Research Fellowships and Clinical Training Fellowships

Apply now for 2019 Short-Term Research Fellowships and Clinical Training Fellowships - article image

We would like to invite investigators and clinicians in the early stages of their career to apply for Short-Term Research Fellowships (STRF) and Clinical Training Fellowships (CTF).

There are several different STRF programmes available in 2019 – each one offering an excellent opportunity to develop your research career by offering support and funding in clinical research, translational research and basic science. CTF offer participants a chance to learn new clinical skills or procedures in a different setting.

We welcome applications from candidates actively engaged in respiratory research or practice, postgraduate degree holders in respiratory medicine or science (MDs, MSc, PhD students, PhD holders) or qualified healthcare professionals (non‐MD).

Find out more about the available STRF/CTF and apply now
