The ERS Congress 2024 in Vienna will host activities and events that support the joint ERS and European Lung Foundation (ELF) public awareness initiative, Healthy Lungs for Life.
Healthy Lungs for Life raises awareness of the importance of lung health through a range of events, projects and promotional activities. Each year at Congress, activities take place which engage the public in Healthy Lungs for Life and help to spread knowledge of how to improve and maintain lung health.
On 7–8 September – the first two days of the ERS Congress 2024 – members of the public can have their lung function tested free-of-charge at the ‘Riesenrad’ Ferris Wheel Square in Vienna’s Prater.
The public event, which is free to attend for everyone including Congress delegates, will be opened by respiratory health experts. The public event’s main objective will be to raise awareness among the public of ways to improve and maintain lung health and to increase knowledge of risk factors – such as smoking and air pollution.
On 9–10 September, a schools initiative will take place in partnership with the Educational Board of Vienna. Schoolchildren will have the opportunity to take free spirometry measurements carried out at a mobile test station (a school bus!) and to take part in interactive educational activities. The aim of the schools initiative is to raise awareness of childhood lung health, risk factors and how early life behaviours and exposures can influence lung health throughout the life span.
On the morning of 10 September, Take the Active Option at Congress will return. Last year, more than 300 people took part in this 2.5km walk/5km run in Milan’s CityLife Park. This year, Vienna’s picturesque Prater will be the location for the event. Breakfast and bag storage will be provided in return for a €25 registration fee. Register soon to avoid missing out on your space!
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